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Publications by Ricardo Jorge Bessa


Framework for the Participation of EV Aggregators in the Electricity Market

Bessa, RJ; Matos, MA; Soares, FJ;


The Electric Vehicle (EV) is one source of flexibility to the electric power system. When aggregated by a market agent, it can offer its flexibility in the balancing reserve market. In order to meet this goal, a framework of optimization and forecasting algorithms must designed to cover the different time horizons of the decision process. This paper describes a full framework for EV aggregators participating in different electricity market sessions. This framework is illustrated for the balancing reserve market and the impact of forecasts of different quality for the balancing reserve direction is evaluated. The test case consists in synthetic time series generated from real data for 3000 EV participating in the Iberian electricity market.


Handling renewable energy variability and uncertainty in power systems operation

Bessa, R; Moreira, C; Silva, B; Matos, M;


The concerns about global warming (greenhouse-gas emissions), scarcity of fossil fuels reserves, and primary energy independence of regions or countries have led to a dramatic increase of renewable energy sources (RES) penetration in electric power systems, mainly wind and solar power. This created new challenges associated with the variability and uncertainty of these sources. Handling these two characteristics is a key issue that includes technological, regulatory, and computational aspects. Advanced tools for handling RES maximize the resultant benefits and keep the reliability indices at the required level. Recent advances in forecasting and management algorithms provided means to manage RES. Forecasts of renewable generation for the next hours/days play a crucial role in the management tools and protocols of the system operator. These forecasts are used as input for setting reserve requirements and performing the unit commitment (UC) and economic dispatch (ED) processes. Probabilistic forecasts are being included in the management tools, enabling a move from deterministic to stochastic methods, which conduct to robust solutions. On the technological side, advances to increase mid-merit and base-load generation flexibility should be a priority. The use of storage devices to mitigate uncertainty and variability is particularly valuable for isolated power system, whereas in interconnected systems, economic criteria might be a barrier to invest in new storage facilities. The possibility of sending active and reactive control set points to RES power plants offers more flexibility. Furthermore, the emergence of the smart grid concept and the increasing share of controllable loads contribute with flexibility to increase the RES penetration levels. (C) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


LASSO vector autoregression structures for very short-term wind power forecasting

Cavalcante, L; Bessa, RJ; Reis, M; Browell, J;


The deployment of smart grids and renewable energy dispatch centers motivates the development of forecasting techniques that take advantage of near real-time measurements collected from geographically distributed sensors. This paper describes a forecasting methodology that explores a set of different sparse structures for the vector autoregression (VAR) model using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) framework. The alternating direction method of multipliers is applied to fit the different LASSO-VAR variants and create a scalable forecasting method supported by parallel computing and fast convergence, which can be used by system operators and renewable power plant operators. A test case with 66 wind power plants is used to show the improvement in forecasting skill from exploring distributed sparse structures. The proposed solution outperformed the conventional autoregressive and vector autoregressive models, as well as a sparse VAR model from the state of the art. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


MicroGrid Energy Balance Management for Emergency Operation

Gouveia, J; Gouveia, C; Rodrigues, J; Bessa, R; Madureira, AG; Pinto, R; Moreira, CL; Lopes, JAP;


A distinctive characteristic of a Microgrid (MG) system is related to the ability of operating autonomously. However, the stability of the system relies in storage and generation availability, providing frequency and voltage regulation. Considering the deployment of distributed storage units in the Low Voltage network and of smart metering infrastructures, this paper presents an online tool for promoting an effective coordination of MG flexible resources in order ensure a secure autonomous operation and maximize the time that the MG is able to operate islanded from the main grid. The tool determines a priori an emergency operation plan for the next hours, based on load and microgeneration forecasting. The limited energy capacity of the distributed storage units participating in MG control is also considered.


Multi-Period Modeling of Behind-the-Meter Flexibility

Pinto, R; Matos, MA; Bessa, RJ; Gouveia, J; Gouveia, C;


Reliable and smart information on the flexibility provision of Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) represents great value for Distribution System Operators and Demand/flexibility Aggregators while market agents. However, efficiently delimiting the HEMS multi-temporal flexibility feasible domain is a complex task. The algorithm proposed in this work is able to efficiently learn and define the feasibility search space endowing DSOs and aggregators with a tool that, in a reliable and time efficient faction, provides them valuable information. That information is essential for those agents to comprehend the fully grid operation and economic benefits that can arise from the smart management of their flexible assets. House load profile, photovoltaic (PV) generation forecast, storage equipment and flexible loads as well as pre-defined costumer preferences are accounted when formulating the problem. Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) is used to build a model capable of identifying feasible HEMS flexibility offers. The proposed algorithm performs efficiently when identifying the feasibility of multi-temporal flexibility offers.


On the Profitability of Variable Speed Pump-Storage-Power in Frequency Restoration Reserve

Filipe, J; Bessa, R; Moreira, C; Silva, B;


The increase penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) into the European power system has introduced a significant amount of variability and uncertainty in the generation profiles raising the needs for ancillary services as well as other tools like demand response, improved generation forecasting techniques and changes to the market design. While RES is able to replace energy produced by the traditional centralized generation, it cannot displace its capacity in terms of ancillary services provided. Therefore, centralized generation capacity must be retained to perform this function leading to over-capacity issues and underutilisation of the assets. Large-scale reversible hydro power plants represent the majority of the storage solution installed in the power system. This technology comes with high investments costs, hence the constant search for methods to increase and diversify the sources of revenue. Traditional fixed speed pump storage units typically operate in the day-ahead market to perform price arbitrage and, in some specific cases, provide downward replacement reserve (RR). Variable speed pump storage can not only participate in RR but also contribute to FRR, given their ability to control its operating point in pumping mode. This work does an extended analysis of a complete bidding strategy for Pumped Storage Power, enhancing the economic advantages of variable speed pump units in comparison with fixed ones.

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