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Publications by CSE


Cyber Threat Intelligence Architecture for Applied Cybersecurity Scenarios PhD Thesis Proposal in Web Science and Technology

Rosa, I; Batista, R; Goncalves, R; Martins, J; Branco, F;


When talking about Cybersecurity, particularly in security incident response plan and processes it is very common and relevant to talk about the ability to detect malicious or suspicious activities and behavior as soon as possible, in other words, in this domain, in Cybersecurity everyone wants to reduce the Mean time to detect (MTTD) or Mean time to respond (MTTR) a potential security incident. The use of Cyber Threat Intelligence CTI indicators can contribute to the reduction of the mean time to detect threats and consequently directly influence the time to response, however there are different types of Cyber Threat Intelligence that serve different purposes. The objective of the study is the development of a reference architecture to support and process data from the most diverse type of data sources in terms of Cyber Threat Intelligence, for example using the combination data from Open Source Intelligence - OSINT sources and honeypots, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of each of these types of data sources to correlate them with each other in order to increase the trust and reliability of the relevant indicators that can be used by security analysts in incident response processes. This paper presents the proposed work for a PhD thesis in Web Science and Technology, scheduled for completion in July 2023. This doctoral thesis falls within the area of Computer Engineering, with applicability in the domain of Cybersecurity and consequently in the subdomain of Threat Intelligence. The research project is in the state-of-the-art study phase. It is expected that the participation in this Doctoral Symposium will provide potential comments that can enhance the growth and complement the ongoing research work.


Recommendation Tool for Use of Immersive Learning Environments

Morgado, L; Torres, M; Beck, D; Torres, F; Almeida, A; Simões, A; Ramalho, F; Coelho, A;

8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2022, Vienna, Austria, May 30 - June 4, 2022

In the field of immersive learning, instructors often find it challenging to match their pedagogical approaches and content knowledge with specific technologies. Unfortunately, this usually results in either a lack of technology use or inappropriate use of some technologies. Teachers and trainers wishing to use immersive learning environments face a diversity of technological and pedagogical alternatives. To scaffold educators in their planning of immersive learning educational activities, we devised a recommendation tool, which maps educational context variables to the dimensions of immersion and uses educators' contexts to identify the closest educational uses. Sample educational activities for those uses are then presented, for various types of educational methodologies. Educators can use these samples to plan their educational activities in line with their current resources or to innovate by pursuing entirely different approaches.


Uncovering the Potential of Cognitive Personalization for UI Adaptation in Crowd Work

Paulino, D; Correia, A; Guimarães, D; Barroso, J; Paredes, H;

25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2022, Hangzhou, China, May 4-6, 2022

Crowdsourcing has received considerable attention over the last fifteen years and has been the subject of several experiments that demonstrate its large potential for use in real-world situations. With the rapid growth of and access to crowd work environments, there is a need for new ways to ensure more equitable access for all people. Task design is one of the core aspects of the crowdsourcing process and its optimization is a priority for many requesters that want to have their tasks solved in short times and with high levels of accuracy. Aligned with this goal, a cognitive personalization framework can make it feasible to assess the information processing preferences of crowd workers in order to provide a useful user interface (UI) adaptation. In an effort to address this issue, this study recruited a total of 64 crowd workers to take cognitive style tests and perform prototypical tasks. The results indicate that it is possible to apply short tests and then obtain some useful indicators for better matching tasks to workers with implications for improving the general outcomes and acceptance rates in crowdsourcing.


Authoring tools for virtual reality experiences: a systematic review

Coelho, H; Monteiro, P; Goncalves, G; Melo, M; Bessa, M;


Virtual reality (VR) is used in different application fields like health, tourism, or training. Most VR applications for these fields have been built from the ground up without any authoring tool to help the process. This systematic review surveys the existing literature on authoring tools for immersive content and critically analyzes its features and how they are evaluated. It proposes a research agenda with key contribution opportunities for the field. An analysis of the 29 studies that met the eligibility criteria revealed that four records did not present any evaluation regarding the authoring tools' evaluation, and only five records used specialized users to evaluate their authoring tools; all the others used non-specialized users. The most evaluated metrics were usability, effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. The data collected to evaluate the metrics consisted mainly of Likert scales and reported mean opinion score (MOS). However, few records used well-established questionnaires to evaluate those metrics like System Usability Scale, Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire, After-Scenario Questionnaire and Igroup Presence Questionnaire. Additionally, five of the analyzed records included stimuli other than audiovisual. More research is recommended about the usage of ontologies in authoring tools to comprehend the full potential of its usage since none of them had ontologies.


Cognitive Personalization in Microtask Design

Paulino, D; Correia, A; Reis, A; Guimaraes, D; Rudenko, R; Nunes, C; Silva, T; Barroso, J; Paredes, H;


Today digital labor increasingly advocates for the inclusion of people who are excluded from society in someway. The proliferation of crowdsourcing as a new form of digital labor consisting mainly of microtasks that are characterized by a low level of complexity and short time periods in terms of accomplishment has allowed a wide spectrum of people to access the digital job market. However, there is a long-recognized mismatch between the expectations of employers and the capabilities of workers in microwork crowdsourcing marketplaces. Cognitive personalization has the potential to tailor microtasks to crowd workers, thus ensuring increased accessibility by providing the necessary coverage for individuals with disabilities and special needs. In this paper an architecture for a crowdsourcing system intended to support cognitive personalization in the design of microtasks is introduced. The architecture includes an ontology built for the representation of knowledge on the basis of the concepts of microtasks, cognitive abilities, and types of adaptation in order to personalize the interface to the crowd worker. The envisioned system contains a backend and a frontend that serve as an intermediary layer between the crowdsourcing platform and the workers. Finally, some results obtained to evaluate the proposed system are presented.


Improving Documentation Agility in Safety-Critical Software Systems Development For Aerospace

Rodrigues, JMSC; Ribeiro, JEF; Aguiar, A;


Despite documentation being considered the primary challenge to agile methods in safety-critical software systems development [1], agile would be of particular interest to improve changeability while providing efficiency and effectiveness to all the phases of software development. In this work, we created mechanisms for automating document processing and management to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of documentation activities of safety-critical software systems development, most concretely in the aerospace domain. The implemented tools were co-designed and validated iteratively in the concrete industrial context of Critical Software (CSW) projects, within a wider research work towards continuous certification [3]. We interviewed Critical Software professionals to validate our solution, collected feedback on the implemented tools and got insights for future work. The tools were also the target of synthetic tests that allowed us to conclude that document automation is possible in the critical-safety software development industry and carries several benefits. The developed tools are not yet qualified in compliance with the DO-330 standard (Tools Qualification).

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