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Publications by CRAS


Ambient radioactivity and atmospheric electric field: A joint study in an urban environment

Barbosa, S;


Ambient radioactivity and atmospheric electricity are inextricably linked phenomena. In order to assess the role of ambient radioactivity in the local variability of the atmospheric electric field at an urban site, simultaneous measurements of radon concentration, gamma radiation, and atmospheric electric field are carried out in the city of Porto, Portugal. Both radon and gamma radiation display an average daily cycle peaking before sunrise, but with considerable variability from day to day, particularly in amplitude. The atmospheric electric field displays a daily cycle with a minimum at dawn and maximum in the early afternoon, as well as a secondary peak in the early morning. The temporal variation of the daily patterns is analysed by means of an empirical orthogonal function analysis, and related to local meteorological parameters. The variability of the local atmospheric electric field is mainly determined by aerosol transport and accumulation close to the surface associated with local meteorological conditions and atmospheric stability rather than by conductivity variations associated with ambient radioactivity.


Morphological controls and statistical modelling of boulder transport by extreme storms

Oliveira, MA; Scotto, MG; Barbosa, S; de Andrade, CF; Freitas, MD;


The study of coastal boulder accumulations generated by extreme marine events, and of the energy and frequency involved in boulder transport, is of paramount importance in understanding the risk associated with extreme marine inundations. One of the frequently asked questions is whether the deposits are storm or tsunami-related, both events being characterized by different return periods. Boulder transport by storms was monitored on the west coast of Portugal. Significant changes were detected in boulders' position as a result of extreme inundation by the 2013/2014 winter storms. Results presented in this work indicate that the wave power associated with the "Christina" and "Nadja" storms occur once every three years. However, this interval is not supported by field observations of boulder displacement, which suggests that wave power over-predicts boulder movement in the study area. Furthermore, wave parameters from the "Christina" and "Nadja" storms were very similar, but have generated different impacts in the boulder accumulation described herein. Differences include the magnitude and direction of boulder movement, and are most likely associated with distinct tidal levels during the events. Higher tide levels generated an increase in the sea surface level and thus in the reach of waves, which generated displacement of larger boulders and consequent cross-shore contribution in boulder transport. Regardless, the combination of monitoring campaigns, wave data, and statistical modelling of extreme values indicate that boulder transport by storms is more frequent than initially expected. Based on recorded boulder movements, we present a conceptual model for boulder ridge formation and development and identify significant control of incoming flow by local geomorphological/topographical features. Storm events, not less frequent tsunamis, are identified as the events responsible for modulating this rocky coastline. These results question a direct attribution of coastal boulder deposits to tsunamis in coastal regions with a high risk of tsunami inundation.


Vertical land motion in the Iberian Atlantic coast and its implications for sea level change evaluation

Mendes, VB; Barbosa, SM; Carinhas, D;


In this study, we estimate vertical land motion for 35 stations primarily located along the coastline of Portugal and Spain, using GPS time series with at least eight years of observations. Based on this set of GPS stations, our results show that vertical land motion along the Iberian coastline is characterized, in general, by a low to moderate subsidence, ranging from -2.2 mm yr(-1) to 0.4 mm yr(-1), partially explained by the glacial isostatic adjustment geophysical signal. The estimates of vertical land motion are subsequently applied in the analysis of tide gauge records and compared with geocentric estimates of sea level change. Geocentric sea level for the Iberian Atlantic coast determined from satellite altimetry for the last three decades has a mean of 2.5 +/- 0.6 mm yr(-1), with a significant range, as seen for a subset of grid points located in the vicinity of tide gauge stations, which present trends varying from 1.5 mm yr(-1) to 3.2 mm yr(-1). Relative sea level determined from tide gauges for this region shows a high degree of spatial variability, that can be partially explained not only by the difference in length and quality of the time series, but also for possible undocumented datum shifts, turning some trends unreliable. In general, tide gauges corrected for vertical land motion produce smaller trends than satellite altimetry. Tide gauge trends for the last three decades not corrected for vertical land motion range from 0.3 mm yr(-1) to 5.0 mm yr(-1) with a mean of 2.6 +/- 1.4 mm yr(-1), similar to that obtained from satellite altimetry. When corrected for vertical land motion, we observe a reduction of the mean to E1.9 +/- 1.4 mm yr(-1). Actions to improve our knowledge of vertical land motion using space geodesy, such as establishing stations in co-location with tide gauges, will contribute to better evaluate sea level change and its impacts on coastal regions.


The Impact of Atmospheric and Tectonic Constraints on Radon-222 and Carbon Dioxide Flow in Geological Porous Media - A Dozen-Year Research Summary

Zafrir, H; Barbosa, S; Levintal, E; Weisbrod, N; Ben Horin, Y; Zalevsky, Z;


Long-term monitoring of Rn-222 and CO2 at a depth of several dozen meter at the SdeEliezer site, located within one of the Dead Sea Fault Zone segments in northern Israel, has led to the discovery of the clear phenomenon that both gases are affected by underground tectonic activity along the Dead Sea Fault Zone. It may relate to pre-seismic processes associated with the accumulation and relaxation of lithospheric stress and strain producing earthquakes. This approach assumes that meteorological influences on physico-chemical parameters are limited at depth since its strength diminishes with the increase of the overlay layer thickness. Hence, the monitoring of natural gases in deep boreholes above the water table enables to reduce the climatic-induced periodic contributions, and thus to identify the specific portion of the radon signals that could be related to regional tectonic pre-seismic activity. The plausible pre-seismic local movement of the two gases at depth is identified by the appearance of discrete, random, non-cyclical signals, wider in time duration than 20 h and clearly wider than the sum of the width of the periodic diurnal and semidiurnal signals driven by ambient meteorological parameters. These non-cyclical signals may precede, by one day or more, a forthcoming seismic event. Hence, it is plausible to conclude that monitoring of any other natural gas that is present at depth may show a similar broadening signal and may serve as a precursor too. The necessary technical conditions enabling to distinguish between anomalous signals of gases that may be induced locally by pre-seismic processes at depth, and the relatively low periodic signals that are still established at depth related to external climatic conditions, are presented in detail.


The connection of atmospheric new particle formation to fair-weather Earth-atmosphere electric field

Chen, X; Barbosa, S; Mäkelä, A; Paatero, J; Monteiro, C; Guimarães, D; Junninen, H; Petäjä, T; Kulmala, M;


<p>Atmospheric new particle formation (NPF) generates secondary aerosol particles into the lower atmosphere via gas-to-particle phase transition. Secondary aerosol particles dominate the total particle number concentration and are an important source for cloud condensation nuclei <sup>[1]</sup>. NPF typically begins with clustering among gaseous molecules. Once the newly formed clusters attain a size larger than the critical cluster size (~1.5 nm), their growth to larger sizes is energetically favoured and eventually they become nanoparticles <sup>[2]</sup>. NPF is often observed with the participation of air ions <sup>[3]</sup> and sometimes is induced by ions <sup>[4]</sup>. Air ions are a constituent of atmospheric electricity. The presence of the Earth-atmosphere electric field poses an electrical force on air ions. The earth-atmosphere electric field exhibits variability at different time scales under fair-weather conditions <sup>[5]</sup>. It is therefore interesting to understand whether the Earth-atmosphere electric field influences atmospheric new particle formation.</p> <p>We analysed the Earth-atmosphere electric field together with the number size distribution data of air ions and aerosol particles under fair-weather conditions measured at Hyytiälä SMEAR II station in Southern Finland <sup>[6]</sup>. The electric field were measured by two Campbell CS 110 field mills in parallel. Air ion data were obtained with a Balance Scanning Mobility Analyser (BSMA) and a Neutral and Air Ion Spectrometer (NAIS), and aerosol particle data with a Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS). We used condensation Sinks (CS) derived from the DMPS measurement, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, global radiation as well as brightness derived from the global radiation measurement to assist the analysis. The measured earth-atmosphere electric field on NPF days was higher than on non-NPF days. We found that under low CS conditions, the electric field can enhance the formation of 1.7-3 nm air ions, but the concentration of 1.7-3 nm ions decreased with an increasing electric field under high CS conditions.</p> <p>References:</p> <p>[1]       Kerminen V.-M. et al., Environ. Res. Lett. <strong>2018</strong>, 13, 103003.</p> <p>[2]       Kulmala M. et al., Science <strong>2013</strong>, 339, 943-946.</p> <p>[3]       Manninen H. E. et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. <strong>2010</strong>, 10, 7907-7927.</p> <p>[4]       Jokinen T. et al., Science Advances <strong>2018</strong>, 4, eaat9744.</p> <p>[5]       Bennett A. J., Harrison R. G., Journal of Physics: Conference Series <strong>2008</strong>, 142, 012046.</p> <p>[6]       Hari P., Kulmala M., Boreal Environ. Res. <strong>2005</strong>, 10, 315-322.</p>


Data quality in different paleo archives and covering different time scales: a key issue in studying tipping elements.

Rousseau, D; Barbosa, S; Bagniewski, W; Boers, N; Cook, E; Fohlmeister, J; Goswami, B; Marwan, N; Rasmussen, SO; Sime, L; Svensson, A;


<p>Although the Earth system is described to react relatively abruptly to present anthropogenic forcings, the notion of abruptness remains questionable as it refers to a time scale that is difficult to constrain properly. Recognizing this issue, the tipping elements as listed in Lenton et al. (2008) rely on long-term observations under controlled conditions, which enabled the associated tipping points to be identified. For example, there is evidence nowadays that if the rate of deforestation from forest fires and the climate change does not decrease, the Amazonian forest will reach a tipping point towards savanna (Nobre, 2019), which would impact the regional and global climate systems as well as various other ecosystems, directly or indirectly (Magalhães et al., 2020). However, if the present tipping elements, which are now evidenced, are mostly related to the present climate change and thus directly or indirectly related to anthropogenic forcing, their interpretation must still rely on former cases detected in the past, and especially from studies of abrupt climatic transitions evidenced in paleoclimate proxy records. Moreover, recent studies of past changes have shown that addressing abrupt transitions in the past raises the issue of data quality of individual records, including the precision of the time scale and the quantification of associated uncertainties. Investigating past abrupt transitions and the mechanisms involved requires the best data quality possible. This can be a serious limitation when considering the sparse spatial coverage of high resolution paleo-records where dating is critical and corresponding errors often challenging to control. In theory, this would therefore almost limit our investigations to ice-core records of the last climate cycle, because they offer the best possible time resolution. However, evidence shows that abrupt transitions can also be identified in deeper time with lower resolution records, but still revealing changes or transitions that have impacted the dynamics of the Earth system globally. TiPES Work Package 1 will address these issues and collect paleorecords permitting to evidence the temporal behavior of tipping elements in past climates, including several examples.</p> <p>Lenton T. et al. (2008). PNAS 105, 1786-1793.</p> <p>Nobre C. (2019). Nature 574, 455.</p> <p>Magalhães N.d. et al. (2020). Sci. Rep. 16914 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53284-1</p> <p>This work is performed under the TiPES project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement # 820970 <></p>

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