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Publications by CRAS


Collaborative Learning with Sustainability-driven Projects: A Summary of the EPS@ISEP Programme

Silva, MF; Malheiro, B; Guedes, P; Duarte, A; Ferreira, P;


This paper describes the collaborative learning environment, aligned with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, provided by the European Project Semester (EPS). EPS is a one semester capstone project programme offered by eighteen European engineering schools as part of their student exchange programme portfolio. In this international programme, students are organized in teams, grouping individuals from diverse academic backgrounds and nationalities. The teams, after choosing a project proposal, become fully responsible for the conduction of their projects. By default, project proposals refer to open multidisciplinary real problems. The purpose of the project is to expose students to problems of a greater dimension and complexity than those faced throughout the degree programme as well as to put them in contact with the so-called real world, in opposition to the academic world. EPS provides an integrated framework for undertaking capstone projects, which is focused on multicultural and multidisciplinary teamwork, communication, problem-solving, creativity, leadership, entrepreneurship, ethical reasoning and global contextual analysis. Specifically, the design and development of sustainable systems for growing food allow students not only to reach the described objectives, but to foster sustainable development practices. As a result, we recommend the adoption of this category of projects within EPS for the benefit of engineering students and of the society as a whole.


Scalable data analytics using crowdsourced repositories and streams

Veloso, B; Leal, F; Gonzalez Velez, H; Malheiro, B; Burguillo, JC;


The scalable analysis of crowdsourced data repositories and streams has quickly become a critical experimental asset in multiple fields. It enables the systematic aggregation of otherwise disperse data sources and their efficient processing using significant amounts of computational resources. However, the considerable amount of crowdsourced social data and the numerous criteria to observe can limit analytical off-line and on-line processing due to the intrinsic computational complexity. This paper demonstrates the efficient parallelisation of profiling and recommendation algorithms using tourism crowdsourced data repositories and streams. Using the Yelp data set for restaurants, we have explored two different profiling approaches: entity-based and feature-based using ratings, comments, and location. Concerning recommendation, we use a collaborative recommendation filter employing singular value decomposition with stochastic gradient descent (SVD-SGD). To accurately compute the final recommendations, we have applied post-recommendation filters based on venue suitability, value for money, and sentiment. Additionally, we have built a social graph for enrichment. Our master-worker implementation shows super-linear scalability for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 concurrent instances.


Context-aware tourism technologies

Leal, F; Malheiro, B; Burguillo, JC;


Nowadays travellers can benefit from the computing capabilities, collection of on board sensors and ubiquitous Internet access provided by mobile devices. These are the three pillars of any tourist support system since they provide the power, means and data to establish the local user context, to access remote services and to provide value-added user-centred context-aware applications. However, making sense of the user context data is not straightforward, as it requires dedicated knowledge acquisition and knowledge representation solutions. Besides, the range and diversity of available data sources is huge, requiring appropriate knowledge processing techniques to provide addequated tourism services. This article presents an updated review, and a comparison of recent context-aware tourism applications (CATA), including supporting technologies; and considering four possible dimensions: knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge processing and knowledge-based services. We propose and apply a CATA analysis framework, contemplating these four dimensions to the applications found in the literature. This survey constitutes, not only, a state of the art review on tourism mobile applications, but, also, anticipates the latest development trends in tourism-related applications.


Self Hyper-Parameter Tuning for Data Streams

Veloso, B; Gama, J; Malheiro, B;

Discovery Science - 21st International Conference, DS 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, October 29-31, 2018, Proceedings

The widespread usage of smart devices and sensors together with the ubiquity of the Internet access is behind the exponential growth of data streams. Nowadays, there are hundreds of machine learning algorithms able to process high-speed data streams. However, these algorithms rely on human expertise to perform complex processing tasks like hyper-parameter tuning. This paper addresses the problem of data variability modelling in data streams. Specifically, we propose and evaluate a new parameter tuning algorithm called Self Parameter Tuning (SPT). SPT consists of an online adaptation of the Nelder & Mead optimisation algorithm for hyper-parameter tuning. The method explores a dynamic size sample method to evaluate the current solution, and uses the Nelder & Mead operators to update the current set of parameters. The main contribution is the adaptation of the Nelder-Mead algorithm to automatically tune regression hyper-parameters for data streams. Additionally, whenever concept drifts occur in the data stream, it re-initiates the search for new hyper-parameters. The proposed method has been evaluated on regression scenario. Experiments with well known time-evolving data streams show that the proposed SPT hyper-parameter optimisation outperforms the results of previous expert hyper-parameter tuning efforts. © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Outdoor Intelligent Shader. An EPS@ISEP 2018 Project

Mahon, C; Baptista, M; Majewska, M; Tscholl, M; Bergervoet, S; Malheiro, B; Silva, MF; Ribeiro, C; Justo, J; Ferreira, P; Guedes, P;


This paper presents an overview of the development of SetSun, an outdoor intelligent shader, by a team of five Erasmus students within the framework of the European Project Semester at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, in the spring of 2018. The major goal of this project-based learning experience was to design a new type of parasol, granting a novel wellness and luxury experience, by combining the functionalities of smart electronics with that of a traditional parasol, while providing the participants with a meaningful learning experience for their future professional life. The Team conducted multiple studies, including scientific, technical, sustainability, marketing, ethics and deontological analyses, and discussions to derive the requirements, design the structure, specify the list of materials and components and develop a functional system. Following these studies, the Team assembled, debugged and tested the SetSun prototype successfully.


Self Hyper-parameter Tuning for Stream Recommendation Algorithms

Veloso, B; Gama, J; Malheiro, B; Vinagre, J;

ECML PKDD 2018 Workshops - DMLE 2018 and IoTStream 2018, Dublin, Ireland, September 10-14, 2018, Revised Selected Papers

E-commerce platforms explore the interaction between users and digital content – user generated streams of events – to build and maintain dynamic user preference models which are used to make mean-ingful recommendations. However, the accuracy of these incremental models is critically affected by the choice of hyper-parameters. So far, the incremental recommendation algorithms used to process data streams rely on human expertise for hyper-parameter tuning. In this work we apply our Self Hyper-Parameter Tuning (SPT) algorithm to incremental recommendation algorithms. SPT adapts the Melder-Mead optimi-sation algorithm to perform hyper-parameter tuning. First, it creates three models with random hyper-parameter values and, then, at dynamic size intervals, assesses and applies the Melder-Mead operators to update their hyper-parameters until the models converge. The main contribu-tion of this work is the adaptation of the SPT method to incremental matrix factorisation recommendation algorithms. The proposed method was evaluated with well-known recommendation data sets. The results show that SPT systematically improves data stream recommendations.

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