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Publications by CRAS



Silva, MF; Virk, GS; Tokhi, MO; Malheiro, B; Ferreira, P; Guedes, P;

Human-Centric Robotics- Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2017




Silva, MF; Virk, GS; Tokhi, MO; Malheiro, B; Ferreira, P; Guedes, P;

Human-Centric Robotics- Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2017



Meteorological Meteorological and soil surface effects in gamma radiation time series - Implications for assessment of earthquake precursors

Barbosa, S; Huisman, JA; Azevedo, EB;


Monitoring of environmental radioactivity for the purpose of earthquake prediction requires the discrimination of anomalies of non-tectonic origin from seismically-induced anomalies. This is a challenging task as time series of environmental radioactivity display a complex temporal pattern reflecting a wide range of different physical processes, including meteorological and surface effects. The present study is based on the detailed time series of gamma radiation from the Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) site in the Azores, and on very high resolution precipitation intensity and soil moisture time series. The results show that an abrupt shift in the average level of the gamma radiation time series previously reported as a potential earthquake precursor can also be explained by a corresponding abrupt change in soil moisture. It was concluded that the reduction of false positive earthquake precursors requires the detailed assessment of both precipitation and soil moisture conditions at high temporal resolution.


Variabilidade de alta frequência do radão num ambiente interior estável

Barbosa, SM; et. al.,;

Proteção contra radiações na comunidade dos países de língua portuguesa



Development of a new system for real-time detection of radon using scintillating optical fibers

Monteiro, CS; Coelho, L; Barbosa, SM; Guimarães, D;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

A remote sensor for radon continuous measurement using polymeric scintillation optical fibers was developed and evaluated. Successful preliminary results showed detection of natural occurring radon from a container with rocks rich in uranium oxides. © OSA 2018 © 2018 The Author(s)


Human-Robot Interaction Based on Gestures for Service Robots

de Sousa, P; Esteves, T; Campos, D; Duarte, F; Santos, J; Leao, J; Xavier, J; de Matos, L; Camarneiro, M; Penas, M; Miranda, M; Silva, R; Neves, AJR; Teixeira, L;


Gesture recognition is very important for Human-Robot Interfaces. In this paper, we present a novel depth based method for gesture recognition to improve the interaction of a service robot autonomous shopping cart, mostly used by reduced mobility people. In the proposed solution, the identification of the user is already implemented by the software present on the robot where a bounding box focusing on the user is extracted. Based on the analysis of the depth histogram, the distance from the user to the robot is calculated and the user is segmented using from the background. Then, a region growing algorithm is applied to delete all other objects in the image. We apply again a threshold technique to the original image, to obtain all the objects in front of the user. Intercepting the threshold based segmentation result with the region growing resulting image, we obtain candidate objects to be arms of the user. By applying a labelling algorithm to obtain each object individually, a Principal Component Analysis is computed to each one to obtain its center and orientation. Using that information, we intercept the silhouette of the arm with a line obtaining the upper point of the interception which indicates the hand position. A Kalman filter is then applied to track the hand and based on state machines to describe gestures (Start, Stop, Pause) we perform gesture recognition. We tested the proposed approach in a real case scenario with different users and we obtained an accuracy around 89,7%.

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