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Publications by CSE


Jay: A software framework for prototyping and evaluating offloading applications in hybrid edge clouds

Silva, J; Marques, ERB; Lopes, LMB; Silva, FMA;


We present Jay, a software framework for offloading applications in hybrid edge clouds. Jay provides an API, services, and tools that enable mobile application developers to implement, instrument, and evaluate offloading applications using configurable cloud topologies, offloading strategies, and job types. We start by presenting Jay's job model and the concrete architecture of the framework. We then present the programming API with several examples of customization. Then, we turn to the description of the internal implementation of Jay instances and their components. Finally, we describe the Jay Workbench, a tool that allows the setup, execution, and reproduction of experiments with networks of hosts with different resource capabilities organized with specific topologies. The complete source code for the framework and workbench is provided in a GitHub repository.


Geometric and Physical Building Representation and Occupant’s Movement Models for Fire Building Evacuation Simulation

Neto J.; Morais A.J.; Gonçalves R.; Coelho A.L.;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Building evacuation simulation allows for a better assessment of fire safety conditions in existing buildings, which is why it is of interest to develop an easy-to-use Web platform that helps fire safety technicians in this assessment. To achieve this goal, the geometric and physical representation of the building and installed fire safety devices are necessary, as well as the modelling of occupant movement. Although these are widely studied areas, in this paper, we present two new model approaches, either for the physical and geometric representation of a building or for the occupant’s movement simulation, during a building evacuation process. To test both models, we develop a multi-agent Web simulator platform. The tests carried out show the suitability of the model approaches herein presented.


NewsLines: Narrative Visualization of News Stories

Costa, M; Nunes, S;

Proceedings of Text2Story - Sixth Workshop on Narrative Extraction From Texts held in conjunction with the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023), Dublin, Ireland, April 2, 2023.

Visual representations have the potential to improve information understanding. We explore this idea in the development of NewsLine, an open-source web-based prototype that focuses on narrative visualizations of news content. Having structured data as input, the prototype produces a storyline which showcases the narrative's events and participants, allowing the user to interact with the visualization in a number of ways. We built an information hub around the storyline to allow for multiple levels of exploration, specifically the main visualization, the event information module, and the sidebar. The visualization depicts the sequence of events that make up a news story, as well as the interactions between the involved parties in each event. The event information module presents additional information on a particular event. The sidebar is the “control center” of the visualization, unlocking a number of interactions and configurations. The prototype was evaluated with a user study with journalists and also with an online survey which gathered feedback from 178 potential end users. From these, 106 participants (60.6%) provided a rating of four or above (one to five scale) when asked to quantify their interest in using the application. Moreover, participants were asked to rank the importance of the visualization elements used. The results highlight that two elements stand out as the most important, the events and the entities. Overall, the participants generally found the application to be useful, but in need of some work in order for it to be made available to a broader public. © 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).


Challenges and Opportunities in C/C++ Source-To-Source Compilation (Invited Paper)

Bispo, J; Paulino, N; Sousa, LM;

14th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-Core Architectures and 12th Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms, PARMA-DITAM 2023, January 17, 2023, Toulouse, France.

The C/C++ compilation stack (Intermediate Representations (IRs), compilation passes and backends) is encumbered by a steep learning curve, which we believe can be lowered by complementing it with approaches such as source-to-source compilation. Source-to-source compilation is a technology that is widely used and quite mature in certain programming environments, such as JavaScript, but that faces a low adoption rate in others. In the particular case of C and C++ some of the identified factors include the high complexity of the languages, increased difficulty in building and maintaining C/C++ parsers, or limitations on using source code as an intermediate representation. Additionally, new technologies such as Multi-Level Intermediate Representation (MLIR) have appeared as potential competitors to source-to-source compilers at this level. In this paper, we present what we have identified as current challenges of source-to-source compilation of C and C++, as well as what we consider to be opportunities and possible directions forward. We also present several examples, implemented on top of the Clava source-to-source compiler, that use some of these ideas and techniques to raise the abstraction level of compiler research on complex compiled languages such as C or C++. The examples include automatic parallelization of for loops, high-level synthesis optimisation, hardware/software partitioning with run-time decisions, and automatic insertion of inline assembly for fast prototyping of custom instructions. © João Bispo, Nuno Paulino, and Luís Miguel Sousa.


Using Heart Rate Variability for Comparing the Effectiveness of Virtual vs Real Training Environments for Firefighters

Narciso, D; Melo, M; Rodrigues, S; Cunha, JP; Vasconcelos-Raposo, J; Bessa, M;


The use of Virtual Reality (VR) technology to train professionals has increased over the years due to its advantages over traditional training. This paper presents a study comparing the effectiveness of a Virtual Environment (VE) and a Real Environment (RE) designed to train firefighters. To measure the effectiveness of the environments, a new method based on participants' Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was used. This method was complemented with self-reports, in the form of questionnaires, of fatigue, stress, sense of presence, and cybersickness. An additional questionnaire was used to measure and compare knowledge transfer enabled by the environments. The results from HRV analysis indicated that participants were under physiological stress in both environments, albeit with less intensity on the VE. Regarding reported fatigue and stress, the results showed that none of the environments increased such variables. The results of knowledge transfer showed that the VE obtained a significant increase while the RE obtained a positive but non-significant increase (median values, VE: before - 4 after - 7, p = .003; RE: before - 4 after - 5, p = .375). Lastly, the results of presence and cybersickness suggested that participants experienced high overall presence and no cybersickness. Considering all results, the authors conclude that the VE provided effective training but that its effectiveness was lower than that of the RE.


Desiring Machines and Affective Virtual Environments

Forero, J; Bernardes, G; Mendes, M;

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

Language is closely related to how we perceive ourselves and signify our reality. In this scope, we created Desiring Machines, an interactive media art project that allows the experience of affective virtual environments adopting speech emotion recognition as the leading input source. Participants can share their emotions by speaking, singing, reciting poetry, or making any vocal sounds to generate virtual environments on the run. Our contribution combines two machine learning models. We propose a long-short term memory and a convolutional neural network to predict four main emotional categories from high-level semantic and low-level paralinguistic acoustic features. Predicted emotions are mapped to audiovisual representations by an end-to-end process encoding emotion in virtual environments. We use a generative model of chord progressions to transfer speech emotion into music based on the tonal interval space. Also, we implement a generative adversarial network to synthesize an image from the transcribed speech-to-text. The generated visuals are used as the style image in the style-transfer process onto an equirectangular projection of a spherical panorama selected for each emotional category. The result is an immersive virtual space encapsulating emotions in spheres disposed into a 3D environment. Users can create new affective representations or interact with other previously encoded instances (This ArtsIT publication is an extended version of the earlier abstract presented at the ACM MM22 [1]). © 2023, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.

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