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Publications by CRIIS


How can we predict the kidney graft failure of Portuguese patients?

Cerqueira, S; Campelos, MR; Leite, A; Pires, EJS; Pereira, LT; Diniz, H; Sampaio, S; Figueiredo, A; Alve, R;


Background: The gap between offer and need for a kidney transplant (KT) has been increasing. The Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) is a measure of organ quality and allows estimation of graft survival, but could not apply to all populations. Knowledge of our kidney donor and recipient population is vital to adjust transplant strategies. Methods: We performed a retrospective evaluation of donors and recipients of KT regarding two kidney transplant units: Centro Hospitalar Universitario de Coimbra, CHUC (Coimbra, Portugal) and Centro Hospitalar Universitario de Sao Joao, CHUSJ (Porto, Portugal), between 2013 and 2018. We then did statistical analysis and modeling, correlating these KT outcomes with donor and recipient characteristics, including KDPI. Artificial intelligence methods were performed to determine the best predictors of graft survival. Results: We analyzed a total of 808 kidney donors and 829 recipients of KT. The association between KDPI and graft dysfunction was only moderate. The decision tree machine learning algorithm proved to be better at predicting graft failure than artificial neural networks. Multinomial logistic regression revealed recipient age as an important prognostic factor for graft loss. Conclusions: In this Portuguese cohort, KDPI was not a good measure of KT survival, although it correlated with GFR 1 year post-transplant. The decision tree proved to be the best algorithm to predict graft failure. Age of the recipient was the most important predictor of graft dysfunction.


Machine Learning and Deep Learning applied to End-of-Line Systems: A rev iew

Nunes, C; Pires, EJS; Reis, A;

WSEAS Transactions on Systems

This paper reviewed machine learning algorit hms, particularly deep learning architectures applied to end-of-line testing systems in industrial environment. In industry, data is also produced when any product is being manufactured. All this information registered when manufacturing a specific product can be manipulated and interpreted using Machine Learning algorithms. Therefore, it is possible to draw conclusions from data and infer valuable results that can positively impact the future of the production line. The reviewed papers showed that machine learning algorithms play a crucial role in detecting, isolating, and preventing anomalies, helping operators make decisions, and allowing industries to save resources. © International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering.All right reserved.


The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Chatbot Design

Duduka, J; Reis, A; Pereira, R; Pires, E; Sousa, J; Pinto, T;


Artificial intelligence is transforming the way chatbots are created and used. The recent boom of artificial intelligence development is creating a whole new generation of intelligent approaches that enable a more efficient and effective design of chatbots. On the other hand, the increasing need and interest from the industry in artificial intelligence based solutions, is guaranteeing the necessary investment and applicational know-how that is pushing such solutions to a new dimension. Some relevant examples are e-commerce, health or education, which is the main focus of this work. This paper studies and analyses the impact that artificial intelligence models and solutions is having on the design and development of chatbots, when compared to the previously used approaches. Some of the most relevant current and future challenges in this domain are highlighted, which include language learning, sentiment interpretation, integration with other services, or data security and privacy issues.



Silva, B; Reis, A; Sousa, J; Solteiro Pires, EJ; Barroso, J;

EDULEARN Proceedings - EDULEARN22 Proceedings



Vineyard classification using OBIA on UAV-based RGB and multispectral data: A case study in different wine regions

Padua, L; Matese, A; Di Gennaro, SF; Morais, R; Peres, E; Sousa, JJ;


Vineyard classification is an important process within viticulture-related decision-support systems. Indeed, it improves grapevine vegetation detection, enabling both the assessment of vineyard vegetative properties and the optimization of in-field management tasks. Aerial data acquired by sensors coupled to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may be used to achieve it. Flight campaigns were conducted to acquire both RGB and multispectral data from three vineyards located in Portugal and in Italy. Red, green, blue and near infrared orthorectified mosaics resulted from the photogrammetric processing of the acquired data. They were then used to calculate RGB and multispectral vegetation indices, as well as a crop surface model (CSM). Three different supervised machine learning (ML) approaches-support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF) and artificial neural network (ANN)-were trained to classify elements present within each vineyard into one of four classes: grapevine, shadow, soil and other vegetation. The trained models were then used to classify vineyards objects, generated from an object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach, into the four classes. Classification outcomes were compared with an automatic point-cloud classification approach and threshold-based approaches. Results shown that ANN provided a better overall classification performance, regardless of the type of features used. Features based on RGB data showed better performance than the ones based only on multispectral data. However, a higher performance was achieved when using features from both sensors. The methods presented in this study that resort to data acquired from different sensors are suitable to be used in the vineyard classification process. Furthermore, they also may be applied in other land use classification scenarios.


UAV-Based Hyperspectral Monitoring Using Push-Broom and Snapshot Sensors: A Multisite Assessment for Precision Viticulture Applications

Sousa, JJ; Toscano, P; Matese, A; Di Gennaro, SF; Berton, A; Gatti, M; Poni, S; Padua, L; Hruska, J; Morais, R; Peres, E;


Hyperspectral aerial imagery is becoming increasingly available due to both technology evolution and a somewhat affordable price tag. However, selecting a proper UAV + hyperspectral sensor combo to use in specific contexts is still challenging and lacks proper documental support. While selecting an UAV is more straightforward as it mostly relates with sensor compatibility, autonomy, reliability and cost, a hyperspectral sensor has much more to be considered. This note provides an assessment of two hyperspectral sensors (push-broom and snapshot) regarding practicality and suitability, within a precision viticulture context. The aim is to provide researchers, agronomists, winegrowers and UAV pilots with dependable data collection protocols and methods, enabling them to achieve faster processing techniques and helping to integrate multiple data sources. Furthermore, both the benefits and drawbacks of using each technology within a precision viticulture context are also highlighted. Hyperspectral sensors, UAVs, flight operations, and the processing methodology for each imaging type' datasets are presented through a qualitative and quantitative analysis. For this purpose, four vineyards in two countries were selected as case studies. This supports the extrapolation of both advantages and issues related with the two types of hyperspectral sensors used, in different contexts. Sensors' performance was compared through the evaluation of field operations complexity, processing time and qualitative accuracy of the results, namely the quality of the generated hyperspectral mosaics. The results shown an overall excellent geometrical quality, with no distortions or overlapping faults for both technologies, using the proposed mosaicking process and reconstruction. By resorting to the multi-site assessment, the qualitative and quantitative exchange of information throughout the UAV hyperspectral community is facilitated. In addition, all the major benefits and drawbacks of each hyperspectral sensor regarding its operation and data features are identified. Lastly, the operational complexity in the context of precision agriculture is also presented.

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