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Beat ID

Problem Addressed

Biometric-based recognition is currently considered a necessity in many applications where secure and efficient identification or authentication is required. It offers several advantages over traditional methods such as passwords, ID cards or encryption keys. 


Although available conventional biometric methods, such as face or iris recognition ensure high accuracy, they still present some drawbacks such as a high rate of False Rejection (fingerprint recognition) and complexity (iris system).  

This creates an opportunity to develop new methods that are not affected by personal changes and are hard to steal and mimic.  


Our solution is Beat ID, an innovative algorithm for biometric identification based on ECG signals and their intrinsic aliveness detection advantages.  

Our innovative algorithm uses ECG morphology-derived waveform characteristics present in a single heartbeat to accurately (values up to 97%.) identify one person in just one single beat. This is an advantage to competitor ECG solutions which require longer acquisitions to authenticate. 

Beat ID was designed for fast, secure, and reliable individual authentication, easily embedded in small-scale devices, with simple, low-cost and low-power hardware. 


Rapid - Authentication from a single heartbeat; 

Unique – ECG signals are intrinsic to each subject and difficult to mimic;

Reliable - with accuracy values around 97%;

Low-computational cost - compatible with low-capacity devices; 

Versatile - Low-power hardware compatible with miniaturised and wearable devices. 


Possible Applications

Fast identification of patients and clinical data validation for Healthcare;

Fast identification of users to unlock mobile systems or applications;

Data protection and identity confirmation for banks and law enforcement agencies; 

Reliable identity recognition for social services;

User interaction and personalisation for the entertainment and gaming industry. 

  • Technology Reference

  • Commercial Rights

    INESC TEC has exclusive rights
  • Development Stage

    Lab Prototype (TRL 3-4)
  • Further Information


    Intellectual Property Status 

    USA (granted) 

    Europe (granted; In force DE, FR, UK) 



    - Licensing  

    - Contract Research 

    - Product Development 

    - Industrial Partnership 


    Scientific Publications

    PLoS ONE 2017; 12(7):e0180942


    Awards & News

    World IP Day 208

  • Industrial Categories

  • Tags

    e-Health, Sensors, Artificial intelligence, Signal Processing, Authentication, ECG, Wearable wireless vital signs monitor, Wearable technology