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Supervised thesis by Andry Maykol Pinto

A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Docking-Based Structures

Author Maria Inês Rodrigues Pereira

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Close-range Localization Based on Natural Features for Autonomous Surface Vehicles in Offshore Wind Farms

Author Rafael Marques Claro

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Shape completion with a 3D Convolutional Neural Network for multi-domain O&M activities in offshore wind farms.

Author Ricardo Fernando de Freitas Dinis

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Perception-based Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation for Close-range Inspection of Offshore Structures

Author Renato Jorge Moreira Silva

Degree PhD

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Underwater Tri-dimensional Scene Understanding using an Eye-in-Hand Perception System

Author Pedro Nuno Barbosa Leite

Degree PhD

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Distributed Perception Systems in Maritime Environments

Author Maria Inês Rodrigues Pereira

Degree PhD

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

A Self-Guided Docking Architecture for Autonomous Surface Vehicles

Author Pedro Nuno Barbosa Leite

Degree MSc

Year 2019

Institution UP-FEUP

Arquitetura de um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão de suporte à Cadeia de Abastecimento de Biomassa

Author João Filipe Barrocas de Oliveira

Degree MSc

Year 2018

Institution UP-FEUP

Optimization of Sales Ordering Process – Development of a Customer Segmentation Model

Author Ricardo Monteiro Marinho

Degree MSc

Year 2018

Institution UP-FEUP

Caracterização e Verificação de Qualidade de Serviço em Redes de Comunicações Móveis de 4ª Geração

Author Miguel Coelho Alves

Degree MSc

Year 2018

Institution UP-FEUP

Distributed Perception using Multiple Autonomous Vehicles for Marine Asset Inspection

Author Daniel Filipe Barros Campos

Degree PhD

Year 2018

Institution UP-FEUP

Anonimização de bases de dados empresariais de acordo com a nova Regulamentação Europeia de Proteção de Dados

Author Frederico António Sá Oliveira Pinho

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FCUP

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