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Supervised thesis by Sérgio Nunes

Estudo e caraterização dos hábitos de utilização e navegação em jornais online

Author João Miguel Falcão Morgado

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Statistical Language Models applied to News Generation

Author João Ricardo Pintas Soares

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Automatic detection of hate speech in text: an overview of the topic and dataset annotation with hierarchical classes

Author Paula Cristina Teixeira Fortuna

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Summarization of Changes in Dynamic Text Collections

Author Manika Kar

Degree PhD

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

IPBrick - Contact Center para gestão de suporte a clientes

Author Carlos José Pereira da Rocha

Degree MSc

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

Design de Interfaces em Sistemas de Pesquisa Orientada a Entidades

Author Noémia Andreia Teixeira Moreira

Degree MSc

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

Extending Conflict free Replicated DataTypes fault models

Author Houssam Yactine

Degree PhD

Year 2016

Institution UM

Summarization of Changes in Dynamic Text Collections

Author Manika Kar

Degree PhD

Year 2015

Institution UP-FEUP

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