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Supervised thesis by António Lucas Soares

Interoperabilidade semântica entre organizações da Administração Pública em sistemas de gestão documental e processos: o caso iPortalDoc

Author Mariana Tato Macias Ferreira

Degree MSc

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

Estratégia de Gestão de Conteúdos Empresariais: o caso da Direção Financeira da Unicer

Author Rita Ferreira Romana

Degree MSc

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

On the development of network commitment in top-down innovation networks: Towards a practical framework for network creation and sustained development

Author Ricardo de Araujo Barros Greenfield

Degree PhD

Year 2015

Institution UP-FEUP


Author Solange

Degree PhD

Year 2015

Institution UP-FLUP


Author Danielly Oliveira Inomata

Degree PhD

Year 2015

Institution Outra

A influência das Redes de Conhecimento no compartilhamento e criação do conhecimento em projetos de Inovação Social

Author Michele Andréia Borges

Degree PhD

Year 2015

Institution Outra

Implementation of a research networking system in the Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering, Porto (INESC TEC): an exploratory study to specify institutional requirements

Author Sharon Okori

Degree MSc

Year 2015

Institution UP-FEUP

Collaborative knowledge representation processes and techniques to support domain experts in conceptual modeling

Author Cristóvão Dinis Polido Sousa

Degree PhD

Year 2015

Institution UP-FEUP

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