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Supervised thesis by Jácome Costa Cunha

Deploy-Oriented Specification of Cloud Native Applications

Author André Daniel Alves Gomes

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Visually-assisted Decomposition of Monoliths to Microservices

Author Breno da Fonseca Salles

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Defining Metrics for the Identification of Microservices in Code Repositories

Author Domingos Francisco Panta Junior

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Designing, Implementing, and Deploying a Better Customer-oriented, Secure REST API for Invoicing Software

Author Miguel Rodrigues Gomes

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Spectrum-Based Fault Localization for Microservices via Log Analysis

Author João Miguel Ribeiro de Castro Silva Martins

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Aiding Researchers Making their Computational Experiments Reproducible

Author Lázaro Gabriel Barros da Costa

Degree PhD

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Model-Driven Engineering for DevOps

Author Hugo Afonso da Gião

Degree PhD

Year 2022

Institution UM

Designing and Building A Microservices-Based Time Series Forecasting System

Author João Ruano Neto Veiga de Macedo

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

LPBlocks - A Block-based Language for Linear Programming

Author Hugo Afonso da Gião

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UM

Refactoring Java Monoliths into Executable Microservice-Based Applications

Author Francisco José Oliveira Freitas

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UM

Humanized Data Cleaning

Author José Miguel Silva Dias

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UM

Resiliência em soluções orientadas aos microsserviços

Author Marco António Rodrigues Oliveira Silva

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UM

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