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Supervised thesis by Ramiro Gonçalves

Automatic generation of textual explanations in deep learning

Author Patrícia Ferreira Rocha

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Machine Learning Improvements to Human Motion Tracking

Author Pedro Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Comparison of the arterial blood pressure digital signal acquired using invasive and non-invasive methods

Author Raquel Pires Alves

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Data Mining study on data collected in Arctic Oceanographic Campaigns

Author Tânia Isabel Alexandre Mestre Ferreira

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UP-FCUP

A Model for Leveraging Crowd-based Human Computation and Machine Learning in Scientific Data Analysis and Discovery

Author António José Guilherme Correia

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UTAD

Modelo Multi-perspectiva de Adoção de Acessibilidade Web

Author Carlos Miguel Carvalho Peixoto

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UTAD

Análise do fluxo de estudantes e proposta de novo modelo escolar para a Província de Maputo

Author José Luís Sambo

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UTAD

Hybrid Recommendation System for Young Athletes Training Advice

Author Paulo Matos

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UTAD

Metodologias e técnicas de avaliação das NE de acessibilidade em procedimentos de compras públicas de produtos e serviços de TIC

Author Márcio Ricardo Alves Martins

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UTAD


Author António Brandão

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UTAD

A influência do mobile marketing no processo de decisão do consumidor

Author Sara Raquel de Paiva Abreu Teixeira

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution IES_Outra

Metodologia para engenharia de software inclusiva out-of-the-box

Author João Silva

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UTAD

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