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Supervised thesis by José Boaventura

Localization and Mapping Based on Semantic and Multi-layer Maps Concepts

Author André Silva Pinto de Aguiar

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UTAD

Planejamentode preensão adaptável: uma nova arquitetura de Pipeline de agarramento unificado e modular

Author João Pedro Carvalho de Souza

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UTAD

Adaptive Grasping Planning: A Novel Unified and Modular Grasping Pipeline Architecture

Author João Pedro Carvalho de Souza

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UTAD

Sistema autónomo para reaproveitamento de águas quentes do banho

Author Luís Miguel Sampaio Sanches Ferreira

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UTAD

Localization and Mapping Based on Semantic and Multi-layer Maps Concepts

Author André Silva Pinto de Aguiar

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UTAD

Adaptive Grasping Planning: A Novel Unified and Modular Grasping Pipeline Architecture” (Planeamento de preensão adaptável: uma nova arquitetura de pipeline de agarramento unificado e modular)

Author João Pedro Carvalho de Souza

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UTAD

Adaptive grasping planning: a novel unified and modular grasping pipeline architecture

Author João Pedro Carvalho de Souza

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UTAD

Localizatiion and mapping based on semantic and multi-layer maps concepts

Author André Silva Pinto de Aguiar

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UTAD

Localization and Mapping based on Semantic and Multi-Layer Maps Concepts

Author André Silva Pinto de Aguiar

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UTAD

Modelos e Sistemas de controlo preditivo aplicados à industria de base florestal

Author Tatiana de Fátima Martins Pinho

Degree MSc

Year 2018

Institution UTAD

Modelos e Sistemas de controlo preditivo aplicados à industria de base florestal

Author Tatiana de Fátima Martins Pinho

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UTAD


Author Maria Manuela Jorge Martins Ferreira

Degree MSc

Year 2015

Institution UTAD

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