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Supervised thesis by João Paulo Cunha

Towards a Novel Neuroengineering Approach to Adaptive Neurostimulation in Epilepsy

Author Ana Marta de Oliveira Dias

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Robust Distributed Real-Time Processing Architecture for Man-Machine Cyber-Symbiosis

Author Luís Miguel Maia Marques Torres e Silva

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Person Authentication in Hazardous Work Environments: Exploring ECG and Respiration Signals as a continuous biometric method

Author Mafalda Alexandra Faria Ferreira

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Explainable Deep Learning Based Epileptic Seizure Classification with Clinical 3D Motion Capture

Author Tamás Karácsony

Degree PhD

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Towards Personalized In-Silico Mathematical Models and Tools for Brain Networks Simulations and Study of Optimal Therapeutic Approaches for Refractory Epilepsy

Author Elodie Múrias Lopes

Degree PhD

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Self-Quantification Web and Mobile System for Parkinson Patients

Author Eduardo Ferreira Campos

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

BlanketGen: Synthetic Blanket Occlusion Generation for the Augmentation of Motion Capture Datasets

Author João Neves Carmona

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

New Models for Rigidity and other Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms’ Monitoring with Wearable Devices.

Author Adriana Araújo Neto Guedes Arrais

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Gait Analysis in Hereditary Amyloidosis Associated to Variant Transthyretin

Author Maria do Carmo Sousa Cardoso Vilas Boas de Olazabal

Degree PhD

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

PhysioIntent: Towards Biosignal-based Robot Awareness Identification of Human Movement Intentions

Author Ana Filipa de Sousa Ferreira

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Advanced Analysis of Extracellular Potentials: Exploring the Generation of Local Field Potentials

Author João Almeida Santiago

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

New Models for Adaptive Neurostimulation in Epilepsy

Author Madalena Gomes Conde Pimentel

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

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