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Supervised thesis by João Pascoal Faria

Adoption of a BDD Framework and its Guidelines

Author João Renato da Costa Pinto

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Task Prediction and Planning Tool for Complex Engineering Tasks

Author Afonso Maria Rebordão Caiado de Sousa

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Assessing Accuracy of Low Cost Sensors in Sign Language Recognition

Author Daniel Lima Fernandes Vieira

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

A Pattern-based Test Platform for IoT and eHealth

Author Pedro José Brandão Almeida

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Low-Code Data Model Designer

Author Ana Isabel Ferreira Maia

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Integration of Fraud Detection Services in Payment Processing Systems

Author Ana Margarida Ruivo Loureiro

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Increasing the Dependability of Internet-of-Things Systems in the context of End-User Development Environments

Author João Pedro Matos Teixeira Dias

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Observability and Controllability in Scenario-based Integration Testing of Time-Constrained Distributed Systems

Author Bruno Miguel Carvalhido Lima

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Increasing the Dependability of Internet-of-Things Systems in the context of End-User Development Environments

Author João Pedro Matos Teixeira Dias

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Tool for Incremental Database Migration

Author Fernando Jorge Coelho Barreira Calheiros Alves

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Mock Testing Framework for a Fire Detection System

Author Guilherme de Castro Oliveira

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Assessing Risks in Software Projects Through Machine Learning Approaches

Author André Oliveira Sousa

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

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