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Supervised thesis by Henrique Salgado

Statistical Enhanced Analog Design

Author José Diogo Queiroz de Athayde Agorreta de Alpuim

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Previsão com agregação temporal univariada e multivariada: um caso de estudo no setor do retalho

Author Ana Daniela Barbosa Rodrigues de Oliveira

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Balancing and Sequencing Mixed-Model Assembly Systems in the Footwear Industry

Author Parisa Sadeghi

Degree PhD

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Reconfigurable FPGA-Based NC-OFDM Processor for Multimode Spectrum Aggregation

Author Mário Lopes Ferreira

Degree PhD

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

Enhanced multiview experiences through the use of head-tracking view selection and dynamic adaptation of content quality

Author Tiago André Queiroz Soares da Costa

Degree PhD

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

Nesting Problems

Author Luiz Henrique Cherri

Degree PhD

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

A Framework to Support Dependability Evaluation pf WSNs from AADL Models

Author Mara da Silva Benedito Martins

Degree PhD

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

Reconhecimento de objetos baseado em visão artificial

Author André Filipe Morais Duarte

Degree MSc

Year 2015

Institution UP-FEUP

Elicitação de Requisitos para uma plataforma de ensino de Gestão de Projetos de Software

Author Ricardo Fernando Babo Pedroso

Degree MSc

Year 2015

Institution UP-FEUP

Integração de parques eólicos offshore nas estratégias de reposição de serviço de redes continentais

Author Pedro Filipe Aires Eugénio

Degree MSc

Year 2015

Institution UP-FEUP

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