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Supervised thesis by Carlos Moreira

Aggregated modelling of active distribution networks on the provision of power-frequency regulation services

Author Nuno Rafael La-Salette Fulgêncio

Degree PhD

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Inércia síncrona e inércia sintética: influência nas condições de estabilidade dos sistemas elétricos

Author Gabriel Magalhães Sousa Rodrigues Pinheiro

Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Frequency control in isolated power systems with low synchronous inertia

Author José Miguel Rodrigues Gouveia

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UP-FEUP

Residential Consumer Behavioural Analysis on the participation in Demand Response Strategies including distributed generation and electric vehicles

Author Kamalanathan Ganesan

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UP-FEUP

Economic and Regulatory Schemes to Maximize the Social Benefit of Energy Communities

Author Rogério Rui Dias da Rocha

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UP-FEUP

Estabilidade de sistemas isolados face ao aumento da integração de produção de origem renovável e sistemas de armazenamento de energia

Author Eduardo Machado Fontes

Degree MSc

Year 2019

Institution UP-FEUP

Aggregated modelling of active distribution networks on the provision of power-frequency regulation services

Author Nuno Rafael La-Salette Fulgêncio

Degree PhD

Year 2019

Institution UP-FEUP

Avaliação do Desempenho de uma Central Fotovoltaica Instalada no Edifício do INESC TEC

Author Gustavo Mano Pacheco Pinto Monteiro

Degree MSc

Year 2018

Institution UP-FEUP

Visualização de conteúdos multimédia num ambiente de realidade virtual

Author Joel Rocha de Oliveira

Degree MSc

Year 2018

Institution UP-FEUP

Análise de estabilidade em redes isoladas: a transição das máquinas síncronas para os conversores eletrónicos

Author Tiago Lages Ribeiro

Degree MSc

Year 2018

Institution UP-FEUP

Optimization and Control of Virtual Power Plants

Author Jorge Miguel Pérola Filipe

Degree PhD

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

UAS-based multi temporal data analysis focused on vineyards and chestnut trees characterization

Author Luís Filipe Machado Pádua

Degree PhD

Year 2017

Institution UTAD

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