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Supervised thesis by Aníbal Ferreira

Wireless Sensor Network for Forest Fire Detection 2

Author João Gilberto Fernandes Gonçalves Teixeira

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Rede de sensores sem fios para deteção de incêndios florestais

Author João Gilberto Fernandes Gonçalves Teixeira

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Upper Limb Functional Rehabilitation Using Inertial Sensors

Author Cristina Ferreira Flores Martins

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Screening device for knee osteoarthritis based on Vibroarthrography

Author Filipa dos Santos Castro Pereira

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Assistente para Coaching Vocal

Author André Presteux Santos

Degree MSc

Year 2017

Institution UP-FEUP

Assistente para Coaching Vocal

Author Catarina Acciaioli Mendes Horta Santos

Degree MSc

Year 2016

Institution UP-FEUP

Artificial voicing of whispered speech

Author Patrícia Cristina Ramalho de Oliveira

Degree MSc

Year 2014

Institution UP-FEUP

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