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Supervised thesis by Manuel Ricardo

Towards a Digital-Twin Based, Multi-sided Market of Data-enabled Product-Services Systems

Author Henrique Diogo Cardoso da Silva

Degree PhD

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP



Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution IPP-ISEP

Injecting Faults in Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocols

Author Ricardo Jorge Alves Fernandez

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FCUP

Selective Applicative Functors & Probabilistic Programming

Author Armando João Isaias Ferreira dos Santos

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UM

WalkingPAD - Smart sensing

Author Bruno Miguel Ribeiro Pinto

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FCUP

Digital images as data and metadata: description requirements for information retrieval and semantic interoperability

Author Joana Patrícia de Sousa Rodrigues

Degree PhD

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Detecting fake behavior in online social networks using smartphone data

Author Nirbhaya Shaji

Degree PhD

Year 2021

Institution UP-FCUP

Evaluating Fairness, Explainability and Robustness of AI Systems

Author Sérgio Gabriel Pontes de Jesus

Degree PhD

Year 2021

Institution UP-FCUP

SPOT – jogo sério baseado em realidade aumentada para a prevenção do melanoma

Author Ana Catarina Rodrigues Ferreira

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Crowdscape (crowdfunding the forest landscape): Drivers of the population's willingness to influence the management of abandoned private forested lands

Author Sandra Maria Carvalho Vicente do Bernardo

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

An integrated decision-support framework towards incorporating practical pricing decisions into carsharing systems

Author Masoud Golalikhani

Degree PhD

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

Product line selection in fast-moving consumer goods industries

Author Xavier António Reis Andrade

Degree PhD

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEUP

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