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Supervised thesis by João Pedro Pedroso

Optical Extreme Learning Machines: a new trend in optical computing

Author Duarte José Fernandes da Silva

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Sistemas de Deteção de Intrusão utilizando Machine Learning

Author Mara Quintas Almeida

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FCUP

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: a machine learning approach

Author Margarida Coutinho Pereira Monteiro

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEP

Estudo Da Implementação De Um Sistema De Monitorização E Análise De Dados Na Indústria Metalomecânica


Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution IPP-ISEP

Developing Marketing Analytics Tools in a Non-Profit Organization

Author Manuel Carlos Oliveira Rocha

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Continuous assessment of code quality through software analytics in a start-up environment

Author Duarte Filipe Machado de Oliveira

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Operation Strategies for Energy Communities and Evaluation of their Impacts on Power Systems Using an ABM Model

Author António José Valente Ferreira dos Santos

Degree PhD

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Cultural Gestures and Virtual and Augmented Reality to enable Non-Experts to Explore Systemic Concepts and Complexity

Author Luís Miguel Alves Fernandes

Degree PhD

Year 2021

Institution UP-FCUP

Explicação Automática de Conceitos


Degree MSc

Year 2020

Institution IPP-ISEP

Modelling Macau and Mainland Chinese Outbound Tourists&#8217

Author Jianjian Mou

Degree PhD

Year 2020

Institution UP-FEP

Metodologias Kaizen Aplicadas à Indústria Têxtil — Caso de Estudo numa Secção de Confeção

Author Gonçalo Pedro Bettencourt Fernandes de Pinho

Degree MSc

Year 2019

Institution UP-FEUP

Returns in the luxury fashion e-commerce: predicting and understanding their impact in the customer experience

Author José João Guimarães Fernandes

Degree MSc

Year 2019

Institution UP-FEUP

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