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Supervised thesis by Miguel Velhote Correia

Machine Learning and Movement Analysis for Cognitive Screening in Older Adults

Author Vânia Margarida Cardoso Guimarães

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Seamless Multimodal Biometrics for Continuous Personalised Wellbeing Monitoring

Author João Tiago Ribeiro Pinto

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

New Methods and Applications for Invisible Electrocardiography (ECG)

Author Aline dos Santos Silva

Degree MSc

Year 2022

Institution UP-FEUP

Development of a neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring system for spine surgical procedure

Author Pedro Filipe Pereira da Fonseca

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Seamless Multimodal Biometrics for Continuous Personalised Wellbeing Monitoring

Author João Tiago Ribeiro Pinto

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

In vivo measurement of forces exerted on the trapeziometacarpal joint

Author Inês Pereira de Fontes

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Análise e Classificação por Aprendizagem Máquina do Doente Neurocrítico

Author Cârmen Isabel Ribeiro Vieira

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Detection, characterization and evaluation of posture, and upper-limbs movements in stroke patients by means of sensor fusion

Author Pedro Filipe Pereira da Fonseca

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Prototype of a mandibular advancement device with microsensors for sleep apnea syndrome and snoring

Author Helena Patrícia Campos da Silva

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

WalkingPAD - Smart sensing

Author Bruno Miguel Ribeiro Pinto

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

Processing and integrating handheld 3D optical sensor scanning data in an industrial environment

Author Ricardo Miao Wang

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

bio-signal analysis for neuromuscular control assessment: application to the stretch-shortening cycle in the human locomotion system

Author Carlos Manuel Barbosa Rodrigues

Degree MSc

Year 2021

Institution UP-FEUP

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