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Geração de NFTs para Certificação de Documentos

Author Tiago Araújo Alves

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UM

Modular methods for inbalanced multiclass classification

Author Solander Patrício Lopes Agostinho

Degree PhD

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

ForestMP: Multimodal perception system for robotics in forestry applications

Author Daniel Queirós da Silva

Degree PhD

Year 2023

Institution UTAD

Artificial Intelligence for Automated Marine Growth Classification

Author João Afonso Borges Carvalho

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Harnessing Nonlinear Systems for Neuromorphic Computing Solutions

Author Juan Manuel Vieira da Silva

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FCUP

Aplicação de Monitorização de rede baseada em Blockchain

Author João Manuel Silva de Amorim

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UM

Functional density symbolic data analysis

Author Rui Miguel da Cunha Nunes

Degree PhD

Year 2023

Institution UP-FCUP

Image Processing of Grocery Labels for Assisted Analysis

Author Jéssica Mireie Fernandes do Nascimento

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Authoring tool for multiplatform interactive digital storytelling

Author João Alexandre Lobo Cardoso

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FEUP

Analysis of Higher Education Institutions' Social Media Posting Using NLP Techniques

Author Lirielly Ruela Vitorugo Nascimento

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UP-FCUP

Development of a bot like entity to emulate an user in a tridimensional virtual environment

Author Luís Paulo Ferreira Gomes Neto

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UM

Primavera : Microsserviço de Reporting

Author Carolina Gil Afonso Santejo

Degree MSc

Year 2023

Institution UM

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