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17th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises

Topics include, among others:

o    Collaborative models, platforms and systems for blending virtual-physical worlds

o    Collaboration and collective awareness in hyperconnected world

o    Collaborative big data intelligence

o    Dynamics of / evolution in collaborative virtual-physical ecosystems

o    Security in collaborative systems

o    Risks and performance in collaborative systems

o    Economic and social impact of collaboration

o    Development platforms and challenges supporting collaborative systems

o    Legal and policy aspects for hyperconnected world

o    Collective Intelligence and collaboration in advanced/emerging applications:

       §  Robotics

       §  Manufacturing

       §  Value-added services

       §  Smart cities

       §  e-Health and Care

       §  Crisis/disaster Management 

       §  Logistics

       §  Agribusiness

Besides advances in scientific and technological research on the above areas, papers from industry related to innovative case studies, as well as from decision makers on governing policies around the selected theme, are encouraged to be submitted. Therefore, cross-industry discussions are foreseen during the conference sessions to help decision-makers and researchers with better understanding of the nature of the coming hyperconnected world, as well as reflecting on collective role they can play in shaping it.

Both scientific works and case studies supported by advanced ICT systems with a sound experimental validation are expected.

Organizing Committee Members

António Lucas Soares - Chair  (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, UP)

Jorge Pinho de Sousa (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, UP)

Américo Azevedo  (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, UP)

Luis Carneiro  (INESC TEC)

Ana Barros  (INESC TEC)

Pedro Campos  (Faculty of Economics, UP)

Filipa Ferrada - Web site (UNINOVA)



  • Start

    03rd October 2016
  • What
