Brokerage Event -Smart Manufacturing Macthmaking 2019
Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing and revitalizing all the industrial operations. Companies are facing new challenges but also they are taking advantages from the opportunities offered by the fourth industrial revolution.
Brokerage Event@Smart Manufacturing Macthmaking 2019 provides an unique opportunity to meet scientists, researchers and company managers who are working in the area of Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. They will keep up date on the latest matching advanced technologies, innovation demand of institutions and cities, new applications from SMEs, and technical challenges of large companies.
The event is organised in partnership with University of Calabria researcher groups and Enterprise Europe Network partners, SPIN and other ones, jointly co-organized with several stakeholders for Industry 4.0.
INESC TEC is available to clarify any questions and to provide personalized support throughout the registration process and to schedule bilateral meetings. For that, please use the e-mail