Conference #5 Energy, Sustainability and Efficiency
2.30 pm | Opening session | Ricardo Costa (Câmara Municipal de Guimarães) and José Seguro Sanches (Secretary of State of Energy)*
Keynote speakers
2:45 pm | Alcibíades Soares Guedes (INEGI), «Challenges of the energy management in industry 4.0»
3:00 pm | Américo Azevedo (INESC TEC), «Maturity Analysis and Definition of a Roadmap in a Digital Transformation Strategy»
3:15 pm | Paulo Natal (Santander Totta), «Investment and Financing of Portuguese Industry in the Context of Industry 4.0»
Coffee break
Round Table: The companies and the Industry 4.0
Invited speakers: Carlos Sampaio (Elergone), Jorge Mendonça e Costa (Associação Portuguesa de Grandes Consumidores de Energia Elétrica), Ricardo Bessa (INESC TEC), Miguel Gil Mata (Sonae Capital)*, Fortunato Frederico (Grupo Kyaia)ne Filipe Vilas Boas (Associação Industrial de Guimarães).
Moderator: João Luís de Sousa (semanário Vida Económica)
Closing Session
* To be confirmed
The entry is free but registration is mandatory here.
Note: The program may be modified for reasons beyond our control.