INESC TEC's industry and innovation lab of - inauguration
iiLab’s mission is to demonstrate and to disclose concepts and advanced manufacturing technologies involving robotics, automation and cyber-physical systems. This lab will be an experimentation, prototyping and advanced training space, specially geared to industrial companies that use and develop technologies.
The iilab’s inauguration is being made under the event “Tecnologias de Produção e Sistemas Ciber-fisicos” (in English Manufacturing Technologies and Cyber-physical Systems”), an initiative of the Technological Demonstrator promoted by ANI, which aims at involving the national business world with the results of innovation and scientific and technology-based entrepreneurship.
The opening session will be attended by the Secretary of State of Economy, João Correia Neves, the Chairman of ANI’s Board, Eduardo Maldonado and the Chairman of INESC TEC's Board, José Manuel Mendonça.
09:00 a.m. - 09:30 a.m. | Welcoming of participants
09:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Opening session • José Manuel Mendonça, Chairman of INESC TEC's Board • Eduardo Maldonado, Chairman of ANI’s Board • João Correia Neves, Secretary of State of Economy
10:00 a.m. - 12:15 a.m. | Inauguration and Visit • iilab’s inauguration - Industry and Innovation Laboratory • Visit to the Technological Demonstrators of INESC TEC
12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Closing session • António Bob Santos, Member of ANI's Board
The Technological Demonstrator is an ANI's project, promoted under the Support System to Collective Actions (SIAC) - Initiatives of Knowledge Transfer, co-funded by COMPETE 2020, through Portugal 20220 and the European Regional Development Fund.