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Photographic exhibition and conferences: Look and See, Sense and Live

The initiative combines informative elements on the research project SCREEN-DR with a photographic project materialised in a number of images and videos, together with several conferences under artistic and technological point of views.

The opening of the photographic exhibit is on 23 February at 4:00 pm at MIRA FORUM, in Porto.

Aurélio Campilho, coordinator of C-BER and Full Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) and Renato Roque, photographer and trained as an engineer, are the coordinators of the set of events that make up this initiative that we're disclosing.

“Outros Retratos e Auto-retratos”(in English “Other Portraits and Self-Portraits) is the name of the photographic and video series, which are part of the exhibition.

The conferences that are free to attend are:

- March 9 at 4:00 pm, “A cegueira como forma de visão na poesia e fotografia” (in English “Blindness as a form of vision in poetry and photography) by Renato Roque; and “A Imagem Médica. Abordagem histórica” (in English “Medical Imaging. A historic view ") by Manuel Valente Alves.

- March 16 at 4:00 pm, “A imagem médica e o rastreio” (in English “Medical imaging and screening”) by Fernando Tavares; “A imagem médica e a inteligência artificial”(in English “Medical imaging and  artificial intelligence) by Aurélio Campilho; and “Ver a Saúde com outros olhos” (in English “Perceiving Health through different eyes”) by Constantino Sakellarides.

The exhibit “Outros Retratos e Auto-retratos” (in English “Other Portraits and Self-Portraits”) can be visited until March 16.

The SCREEN-DR project

In addition to INESC TEC and FEUP, the SCREEN-DR project has the collaboration of the Carnegie Mellon University (USA), University of Aveiro, Administração Regional de Saúde do Norte and BMD Software, and the collaboration of the São João Hospital Centre and First Medical Solutions. It’s funded by the Science and Technology Foundation under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program.



  • Start

    23rd February 2019
  • Start Hour

  • Promoters

    INESC TEC, Mira FORUM, FEUP, CMU Portugal Program
  • City

  • Country

  • End

    16th March 2019
  • Local

    MIRA Forum
  • Address

    R. de Miraflor 159, 4300-030 Porto