South-Eastern and Western Regions’ Workshop
This South-Eastern and Western Regions’ Workshop aims at
- Presenting national and regional RD&I projects of significant added value addressing energy system integration issues, in line with the thematic priorities of the ETIP SNET Working Groups;
- Identifying unsolved RD&I topics and monitoring the implementation of RD&I activities at national and regional levels in Europe;
Ensuring consistency between national and European views; - Stimulating knowledge-sharing between stakeholders and among Member States and associated countries, to foster the efficient implementation of RD&I projects all over Europe.
INESC TEC will be represented in the workshop by the European project SENSIBLE, which has explored the benefits of using energy storage technologies such as batteries, our homes, communities and even distribution grids to create a more sustainable and reliable power supply.
This EUR 15M project, led by the German company Siemens and with other 14 European partners, sees the participation of four Portuguese institutions - EDP LABELEC, EDP Distribuição, the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) and Siemens Portugal.
Besides Portugal, the technologies were also tested in Nottingham (United Kingdom) and Nuremberg (Germany).