Workshop "Wildfire Management and Governance"
About Kelvin Hirsch
- Leadership of about 35 scientific and technical staff in the Northern Forestry Centre’s Climate Change Research Program, which includes both carbon science and accounting as well as impacts and adaptation research.
- CFS Climate Change Adaptation Project Coordinator in conjunction with directors at all centres and branches to provide collective leadership in planning and priorities setting for all CFS activities in the field of climate
change impacts and adaptation. - Leader of the Technical Advisory Group of the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers Climate Change Task Force undertaking a major vulnerability and adaptation assessment of sustainable forest management in Canada
under a changing climate. - Member of the NRCan Horizontal Task Team on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
- Past involvement in forest fire research, creation of Canada’s FireSmart program, and development of the Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy.
Wildfire Management and Governance
The workshop will focus on critical strategic concerns in wildfire management and governance, building on the Canadian situation and approach. The discussion will cover broadly the Canadian Fire Management Policies and Institutions, and focus on some of its key components, such as the Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy and the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.