GPPQ, in partnership with the Enterprise Europe Network through INESC TEC, is organizing an information session dedicated to H2020 opportunities in energy and transports.
25th June 2018
PRODUTECH, INESC TEC, UPTEC, CATIM, CITEVE, CTCP, e CTCOR invite you to participate in the iMan Norte Hub launching session, on May 25, by 2pm at Auditorium Infante D. Henrique, in Leça da Palmeira.
25th May 2018
INESC TEC, one of the host organizations of Enterprise Europe Network in Portugal, will be hosting the workshop Intellectual Property relevance in scaleup companies' internationalisation, with the Portuguese European IPR Helpdesk Ambassador, Catarina Maia.
15th May 2018
Artificial Intelligence (AI) already enables us to perform complex tasks commonly associated with human minds, by learning from relevant datasets and previous outcomes.It is open for debate whether AI will enable the creation of a digital mind, capable of autonomously conduct scientific research, namely on communications and multimedia.
11th May 2018
Highlight to INESC TEC technologies in the areas of artificial intelligence in medicine and industrial robotics
15th April 2018
Workshop by ENRICH in China
27th March 2018
The First International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story 2018) will be held on March 26th in Grenoble, France under the umbrella of ECIR’18 (40th European Conference on Information Retrieval). Text2Story will feature the presentation of 6 papers, a poster session, 2 keynote speakers (Eric Gaussier and Udo Kruschwitz) and a slot for demonstrations.
26th March 2018
The workshop and B2B Meetings are supported by Enterprise Europe Network.
21st March 2018
The first workshop on User Interfaces for Spatial and Temporal Data Analysis (UISTDA), held in conjunction with the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI2018) in Tokyo, Japan, will take place on the 11th March.
11th March 2018
by Kelvin Hirsch
06th March 2018
Conference cycle "The Portuguese Economy and Industry 4.0 - The path of a new industrialization".
21st February 2018
An Executable Formal Framework for Safety-Critical Human Multitasking, by Giovanna Broccia (University of Pisa, Italy)
21st February 2018
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