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Past Events

9th HASLab InfoBlender

INESC TEC's High Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab) is organising the 9th Edition of the InfoBlender, which will feature Prof. Wolfram Kahl, from McMaster University, Ontario, Canada. The professor will be discussing Code Graphs as Data-Flow Graphs, Control-Flow Graphs, and Inter-action Nets.

07th October 2015

15th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science - RAMiCS 2015

Welcome to RAMiCS 2015, the 15th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, which will take place in Braga from Sep 28th to October 1st, 2015, in the Park Hotel near the Bom Jesus Sanctuary.

01st October 2015

12th Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems Conference and Debate (ISAP 2015)

The power systems community of scientists and engineers needs, requires, demands a serious debate on the potential and contradictions of this triangle: intelligent techniques vs. clever implementations vs. smart systems.

17th September 2015

European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2015)

Decorre no Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto, de 7 a 11 de setembro, a European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2015), uma conferência com enfoque nas áreas de machine learning e data mining.

11th September 2015

Escola de Verão para alunos de doutoramento GTTSE

O HASLab (INESC TEC/UM) está a organizar a 5ª edição da escola de verão para alunos de doutoramento GTTSE. Nesta edição aumentámos a abrangência da escola e a sigla passa a denotar "Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering".

29th August 2015

Advanced Study Course on Optical Sensors (ASCOS)

O INESC TEC está a organizar a Advanced Study Course on Optical Sensors (ASCOS), uma escola de verão que pretende promover a formação e a discussão, e funcionar como plataforma de contacto entre jovens investigadores na área de sensores optoquímicos e biossensores. A ASCOS realiza-se de 22 a 29 de julho na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP). Esta é a primeira vez que o evento se realiza em Portugal.

29th July 2015

12th International Conference on image analysis and recognition - ICIAR 2015

ICIAR 2015 is the 12th conference of a series of ICIAR conferences organized in Portugal and Canada.

24th July 2015

MAP Breast Summer School

Call for Participation

17th July 2015

VISUM summer school: 3rd edition

visum 2015 is the third VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence (visum) Summer School that targets to gather at Universidade do Porto, Portugal, Ph.D. candidates, Post-Doctoral scholars and researchers from academia and industry with research interests in computer vision and machine intelligence.

09th July 2015


01st July 2015

Conference "IP Issues in ICT"

Intellectual Property (IP) is one of the foundations for building an innovative and competitive economy, and fundamental for any country investing in innovation, technology and research.

18th June 2015

Blue Business Forum

O INESC TEC vai participar no Blue Business Forum, evento internacional que integra o programa da Blue Week 2015.

06th June 2015

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