ICIAR 2015 is the 12th conference of a series of ICIAR conferences organized in Portugal and Canada.
24th July 2015
Call for Participation
17th July 2015
visum 2015 is the third VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence (visum) Summer School that targets to gather at Universidade do Porto, Portugal, Ph.D. candidates, Post-Doctoral scholars and researchers from academia and industry with research interests in computer vision and machine intelligence.
09th July 2015
01st July 2015
Intellectual Property (IP) is one of the foundations for building an innovative and competitive economy, and fundamental for any country investing in innovation, technology and research.
18th June 2015
O INESC TEC vai participar no Blue Business Forum, evento internacional que integra o programa da Blue Week 2015.
06th June 2015
No âmbito das comemorações dos 30 anos do INESC TEC vai ser organizada, ao longo de todo o ano, uma série de iniciativas ligadas à inovação científica e tecnológica. O primeiro evento tem lugar no dia 4 de junho e denomina-se "O Efeito Eureka".
04th June 2015
"Aprendendo a Voar" é uma iniciativa do INESC TEC, na comemoração dos seus 30 anos, que pretende dar a oportunidade aos estudantes, docentes ou colaboradores das comunidades académicas associadas ao INESC TEC, de apresentarem uma ideia com potencial de negócio.
11th May 2015
O INESC TEC vai participar na 14ª Feira Internacional de Máquinas, Equipamentos e Serviços para a Indústria, EMAF 2014, que vai decorrer entre 19 e 22 de novembro na Exponor, no Porto.
22nd November 2014
In association with Tristan Kromer from TriKro LLC (Silicon Valley, USA), ANJE and INESC TEC have set up a 3-day intensive workshop that will help you better understand how to move fast, find customers, and exploit uncharted market opportunities by following lean startup best practices and nurturing a lean innovation ecosystem in your own company.
15th November 2014
ImmersiveMe 2014 builds upon the successful experience of the first edition, held in 2013.
07th November 2014
The ESM'2014 (The 28th annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference) is the original international European conference concerned with state of the art technology in modelling and simulation.
24th October 2014
The access to the final selection minute is only available to applicants.
Please check the confirmation e-mail of your application to obtain the access code.