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Past Events

CROB Lecture

"A New Approach to Submersible and Underwater Vehicle Designs", Ron Allum

22nd October 2014

28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM'2014

The ESM'2014 (The 28th annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference) is the original international European conference concerned with state of the art technology in modelling and simulation.

24th October 2014

CiWork 2014 - 2º Workshop industrial em Sistemas de Tempo Real Embebidos

O grupo de investigação CISTER/INESC TEC vai organizar 2º workshop industrial em Sistemas de Tempo Real Embebidos, CiWork 2014 - CISTER 2nd Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems, que irá decorrer no dia 26 de setembro.

26th September 2014

International Workshop on Lot Sizing

The fifth edition of the International Workshop on Lot-Sizing will be held in Porto, Portugal.

29th August 2014

International Workshop on Lot Sizing

The fifth edition of the International Workshop on Lot-Sizing will be held in Porto, Portugal.

29th August 2014

20th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing

Euro-Par is an annual series of international conferences dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel and distributed computing.

29th August 2014

3rd Workshop on European Unmanned Maritime Systems

The major goal of the workshop is to promote the exchange of information on current and recently completed research and technology work in the area of the Unmanned Maritime Systems program, under EDA, which aims new developments on unmanned maritime systems, and the application of these systems in several domains, both in military and civilian areas.

30th May 2014

Open Day INESC TEC Saúde

O Open Day INESC TEC SAÚDE 2014 será uma mostra de diferentes competências e resultados de projetos de I&D, aproximando a inovação e melhor produção científica dos domínios de aplicação no sector da saúde.

23rd January 2014

Immersive Media Experiences 2013

ACM International Workshop to be held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2013

25th October 2013

Noite Europeia dos Investigadores 2013

O INESC TEC vai estar representado na Noite Europeia dos Investigadores (NEI 2013), que se realiza no dia 27 de setembro no Jardim Botânico do Porto.

27th September 2013


VIII Reunião Iberoamericana de Óptica e XI Reunião Iberoamericana de Óptica, Lasers e Aplicações

26th July 2013

2nd International CAL4INO Conference

"Creative Learning for Innovation: Toward a More Competitive Europe”

31st May 2013

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