Paper by INESC TEC researchers among the most popular in IEEE
In the scope of the work developed at the Centre for Power and Energy (CPES) of INESC TEC, João Peças Lopes, Administrator of INESC TEC and Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), Carlos Moreira, also Professor at FEUP, and André Madureira, all researchers at CPES, are the authors of the article “Defining control strategies for MicroGrids islanded operation”, available at IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Xplore Digtal Library.
29th January 2018
This paper, despite being published in May 2006 in the journal “Transactions on Power Systems” of IEEE, is still one of the most popular of this publication, taking the 7th place, overcoming 1.000 quotes. In Scopus it has up until now 1.214 quotes.
This paper describes and analyses the sustainability of some control strategies to adapt during the performance of a micronetwork on the moment it gets isolated.
The digital library IEEE Xplore allows access to scientific and technical information, published by IEEE and its editorial partners, specially in the areas of electric engineering, computing and electronics.
Scopus is a data base of reports and paper quotes used in scientific journals. It gathers around 19.500 journals and more than 5.000 international editors, including the coverage of 16.500 peer-reviewed magazines in the fields of science, technology and social and medical sciences (together with Arts and Humanities).
The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.