The project that fosters the creation of business apps with non-relational data has come to an end
RADicalize Big Data, a service provision project with OutSystems carried out by INESC TEC’s High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), allowed the development of a way to integrate Big Data sources in business applications, using a low-code approach that is compatible with the OutSystems platform.
14th June 2019
The goal of RADicalize, a broader project in which RADicalize Big Data is included, consisted of enabling the rapid development, through visual languages, of state-of-the-art digital systems based on high-performance mobile applications. These applications work without a network connection, with modern and composite user interfaces, which use massive data sources that can be implemented in modern cloud environments.
The collaboration of HASLab in the RADicalize Big Data project focused on the definition and prototyping of a new applied architecture based on a polyglot interrogation component, that is, capable of offering a common interrogation interface and of creating adapters for different storage engines with different data models.
This way, the result of this collaboration is an approach that enables business applications to use sources that contain massive amounts of poorly structured data and with different formats in an easy and efficient way, by providing access to these sources through an integrated relational interface.
The HASLab team that was involved in this project included Rui Carlos Oliveira and José Orlando Pereira, both senior researchers of the Laboratory, and Ana Nunes Alonso, postdoctoral researcher. From OutSystems, the team was composed of João Abreu as R&D Program Manager, Tércio Soares as Developer Experience Product Manager and Luiz Santos, Software Engineer.
It should be noted that RADicalize Big Data had its final demonstration in March of this year at the OutSystems’ premises in Braga. Besides that, this project took place between May and December of 2018 through TecMinho, a university structure of knowledge transfer of the University of Minho and had a funding of EUR 100,207.44.
The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UMinho.