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News by Computer Science and Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

Software bugs are as persistent as those in nature - a study by INESC TEC closed in on them

INESC TEC researchers developed the LazyFS tool, capable of injecting faults and reproducing data loss bugs. The solution helps to understand the origin and cause of said bugs, but also to validate protection mechanisms against failures. 

07th October 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

INESC TEC is the first Portuguese entity to join international consortium to accelerate the use of generative AI in science and engineering

Creating an open ecosystem that brings together representatives from academia, research centres, supercomputing centres and companies that are developing, training and using large-scale Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, as well as building and operating large-scale computing systems – this is the goal of TPC, The Trillion Parameter Consortium. INESC TEC was the first Portuguese entity to join this partnership, which gathers more than 70 entities and aims to promote the sharing of experiences, tools and data, collaboration between teams, and best practices in the responsible development of AI.

11th July 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

Edge databases have many benefits — and INESC TEC researchers have dedicated themselves to studying them

The paper Databases in Edge and Fog Environments: A Survey, signed by Luís Manuel Ferreira, Fábio Coelho and José Orlando Pereira - and published in ACM Computing Surveys -, establishes innovative concepts in the edge databases area, resorting to several publications on hardware used, latency performance, energy consumption and privacy. This new type of database benefits from devices close to the users to improve performance and features.

03rd July 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

A discussion about security and privacy at an international event organised in Portugal for the first time

Encryption, malicious software, data privacy, web and mobile security, secure access control and authentication – these were some of the topics discussed at the 14th edition of the ACM Conference on data and application security and privacy. Organised by INESC TEC and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), this was the first time that the Conference took place in a country other than the United States of America.

27th June 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

Researcher at INESC TEC wins an award thanks to prototype to support the development of Defense policies and strategies

Alexandra Mendes, INESC TEC researcher, is one of the winners of the Atlantic Security Award, promoted by FLAD; Alexandra’s work aims to use a large language model – trained with data retrieved from the dark web – in decision-making processes, in the design of Defense policies and strategies, and in the application of the law in the security of the Atlantic region.

28th May 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

INESC TEC researchers propose innovative cryptography solution for potential quantum computers threats

The solution proposed by Manuel Barbosa and João Barbosa, researchers at INESC TEC, features a hybrid key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM), capable of addressing the demands of the dynamics of hybrid models that combine pre-quantum and post-quantum algorithms.

21st May 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

INESC TEC joins new collaboration project to bring Europe and Japan closer together in supercomputing

Medicine, climate, quantum physics or materials science. These are just few of the areas where supercomputing and modelling can play a major role in scientific, industrial, and social development. To strategically improve cooperation between Europe and Japan in this area of research, the HANAMI - HPC Alliance for Applications and Supercomputing Innovation: the Europe-Japan Collaboration project was born.

17th May 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

INESC TEC research on the application of Boolean functions in quantum computing integrates major publication

INESC TEC researchers developed a study to test the ability to perform any Boolean function on quantum computers designed according to a measurement-based quantum computation model.  

17th May 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

INESC TEC researchers strengthen partnership with CENTRA network

Since its establishment, the CENTRA network has been working to facilitate collaborative endeavours that allow the adoption of transnational cyber infrastructures - relying on several members from different countries: Indonesia, the United States of America, Vietnam, or Japan. Hence, and to strengthen the relationships with said partners, INESC TEC researchers travelled to Tokyo to attend the latest event of this initiative.

19th March 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

INESC TEC part of project to support users of European supercomputers, including the Portuguese Deucalion

EPICURE (High-level specialised application support service in High-Performance Computing) is the project that brings together the supercomputers of the European EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) network to support its users.

28th February 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

INESC TEC technology to ensure digital services’ transparency and privacy reached the podium of the fourth edition of the IN3+ Award

Where do you draw the line between transparency and privacy in digital services? How can a person, as a user of services, validate the correct follow-up of his/her process, without compromising the confidentiality to which the respective providers are obliged to follow? The PeT – Privacy and Transparency project, led by the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) – in collaboration with the University of Minho (UMinho) – won the second place in the fourth edition of the IN3 + Award, One Million for Innovation. This initiative, aimed at ensuring transparency and privacy in digital services, received €250k to support its integration into the market – initially, at the national level, and in public and private services (healthcare, education, and justice).

23rd February 2024

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