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Alberto A. Pinto is a full professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto (Portugal). He is a researcher at the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering LIAAD, INESC TEC. He is the founder and co-editor-in-chief (with michel benaim) of the Journal of Dynamics and Games, published by the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS). He was the President of International Center for Mathematics (CIM) from 2011 to 2016. Since 2016 he is President of the General Assembly of CIM.

Alberto A. Pinto worked with David Rand at the University of Warwick, UK, on his master's thesis (1989) that studied the work of Feigenbaum and Sullivan on scaling functions and he went on to a PhD (1991) on the universality features of other classes of maps that form the boundary between order and chaos.

During this time Alberto A. Pinto met a number of the leaders in dynamical systems, notably Dennis Sullivan and Mauricio Peixoto, and this had a great impact on his career. As a result he and his collaborators have made many important contributions to the study of the fine-scale structure of dynamical systems and this has appeared in leading journals and in his book "Fine Structures of Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms" (2010) coauthored with Flávio Ferreira and David Rand.

While a postdoc with Dennis Sullivan at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York he met Edson de Faria and through Mauricio Peixoto he got in contact with Welington de Melo. With de Melo he proved the rigidity of smooth unimodal maps in the boundary between chaos and order extending the work of MacMullen. Furthermore, de Faria, de Melo and Alberto A. Pinto proved the conjecture raised in 1978 in the work of Feigenbaum and Coullet-Tresser which the characterizes the period-doubling boundary between chaos and order for unimodal maps. This appeared in the research article “Global Hyperbolicity of Renormalization for Smooth Unimodal Mappings” published at the journal Annals of Mathematics (2006) and was based in particular in the previous works of Sandy Davie, Dennis Sullivan, Curtis McMullen and Mikhail Lyubich.

Since then Alberto Pinto has branched out into more applied areas. He has contributed across a remarkably broad area of science including optics, game theory and mathematical economics, finance, immunology, epidemiology, and climate and energy. In these applied areas, he has published widely overpassing more than one hundred scientific articles. He edited two volumes, with Mauricio Peixoto and David Rand, untitled “Dynamics and Games I and II” (2011). These two volumes initiated the new Springer Proceedings in Mathematics series. He edited with David Zilberman the volume untitled “Optimization, Dynamics, Modeling and Bioeconomy I” (2015) that also appeared at Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics series. While President of CIM, with Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Rolf Jeltsch and Marcelo Viana, he edited the books "Dynamics, Games and Science" and "Mathematics of Planet Earth" that initiated the "CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences", published by Springer-Verlag. He edited, with J. F. Oliveira and J. P. Almeida, the book "Operational Research", published by Springer-Verlag at the CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences". he edited, with Lluís Alsedà, Jim Cushing and Saber Elaydi, the book "Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications", published at the Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. He published, with Elvio Accinelli Gamba, Athanasios N. Yannacopoulos and Carlos Hervés-Beloso, the book "Trends in Mathematical Economics", published by Springer-Verlag.

Alberto A. Pinto with Michel Benaim founded the Journal of Dynamics and Games (2014) of the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and currently they are the editors-in-chief of the journal. He has also increasingly taken on important administrative tasks. He was a member of the steering committee of Prodyn at the European Science Foundation (1999-2001). He was the executive coordinator (2009-2010) of the Scientific Council of Exact Sciences and Engineering at the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.



  • Name

    Alberto Pinto
  • Role

    Research Coordinator
  • Since

    01st May 2011


The Application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning with a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Pedestrian Modeling: A Systematic Literature Review (1999-2023)

Reyes-Norambuena, P; Pinto, AA; Martínez, J; Yazdi, AK; Tan, Y;


Among transportation researchers, pedestrian issues are highly significant, and various solutions have been proposed to address these challenges. These approaches include Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and machine learning (ML) techniques, often categorized into two primary types. While previous studies have addressed diverse methods and transportation issues, this research integrates pedestrian modeling with MCDA and ML approaches. This paper examines how MCDA and ML can be combined to enhance decision-making in pedestrian dynamics. Drawing on a review of 1574 papers published from 1999 to 2023, this study identifies prevalent themes and methodologies in MCDA, ML, and pedestrian modeling. The MCDA methods are categorized into weighting and ranking techniques, with an emphasis on their application to complex transportation challenges involving both qualitative and quantitative criteria. The findings suggest that hybrid MCDA algorithms can effectively evaluate ML performance, addressing the limitations of traditional methods. By synthesizing the insights from the existing literature, this review outlines key methodologies and provides a roadmap for future research in integrating MCDA and ML in pedestrian dynamics. This research aims to deepen the understanding of how informed decision-making can enhance urban environments and improve pedestrian safety.


Optimal consumption, investment and life-insurance purchase under a stochastically fluctuating economy

Mousa, AS; Pinheiro, D; Pinheiro, S; Pinto, AA;


We study the optimal consumption, investment and life-insurance purchase and selection strategies for a wage-earner with an uncertain lifetime with access to a financial market comprised of one risk-free security and one risky-asset whose prices evolve according to linear diffusions modulated by a continuous-time stochastic process determined by an additional diffusive nonlinear stochastic differential equation. The process modulating the linear diffusions may be regarded as an indicator describing the state of the economy in a given instant of time. Additionally, we allow the Brownian motions driving each of these equations to be correlated. The life-insurance market under consideration herein consists of a fixed number of providers offering pairwise distinct contracts. We use dynamic programming techniques to characterize the solutions to the problem described above for a general family of utility functions, studying the case of discounted constant relative risk aversion utilities with more detail.


Barrett's paradox of cooperation in the case of quasi-linear utilities

Accinelli, E; Afsar, A; Martins, F; Martins, J; Oliveira, BMPM; Oviedo, J; Pinto, AA; Quintas, L;


This paper fits in the theory of international agreements by studying the success of stable coalitions of agents seeking the preservation of a public good. Extending Baliga and Maskin, we consider a model of N homogeneous agents with quasi-linear utilities of the form u(j) (r(j); r) = r(alpha) - r(j), where r is the aggregate contribution and the exponent alpha is the elasticity of the gross utility. When the value of the elasticity alpha increases in its natural range (0, 1), we prove the following five main results in the formation of stable coalitions: (i) the gap of cooperation, characterized as the ratio of the welfare of the grand coalition to the welfare of the competitive singleton coalition grows to infinity, which we interpret as a measure of the urge or need to save the public good; (ii) the size of stable coalitions increases from 1 up to N; (iii) the ratio of the welfare of stable coalitions to the welfare of the competitive singleton coalition grows to infinity; (iv) the ratio of the welfare of stable coalitions to the welfare of the grand coalition decreases (a lot), up to when the number of members of the stable coalition is approximately N/e and after that it increases (a lot); and (v) the growth of stable coalitions occurs with a much greater loss of the coalition members when compared with free-riders. Result (v) has two major drawbacks: (a) A priori, it is difficult to convince agents to be members of the stable coalition and (b) together with results (i) and (iv), it explains and leads to the pessimistic Barrett's paradox of cooperation, even in a case not much considered in the literature: The ratio of the welfare of the stable coalitions against the welfare of the grand coalition is small, even in the extreme case where there are few (or a single) free-riders and the gap of cooperation is large. Optimistically, result (iii) shows that stable coalitions do much better than the competitive singleton coalition. Furthermore, result (ii) proves that the paradox of cooperation is resolved for larger values of.. so that the grand coalition is stabilized.


Game Theory for Predicting Stocks' Closing Prices

Freitas, JC; Pinto, AA; Felgueiras, O;


We model the financial markets as a game and make predictions using Markov chain estimators. We extract the possible patterns displayed by the financial markets, define a game where one of the players is the speculator, whose strategies depend on his/her risk-to-reward preferences, and the market is the other player, whose strategies are the previously observed patterns. Then, we estimate the market's mixed probabilities by defining Markov chains and utilizing its transition matrices. Afterwards, we use these probabilities to determine which is the optimal strategy for the speculator. Finally, we apply these models to real-time market data to determine its feasibility. From this, we obtained a model for the financial markets that has a good performance in terms of accuracy and profitability.


Bounded Rational Players in a Symmetric Random Exchange Market

Yusuf, A; Oliveira, B; Pinto, A; Yannacopoulos, AN;


A model of Edgeworthian economies is studied, in which participants are randomly chosen at each period to exchange two goods to increase their utilities, as described by the Cobb-Douglas utility function. Participants can trade deviating from their bilateral equilibrium, provided that the market and the trade follow appropriate symmetry conditions. The article aims to study the convergence to equilibrium in a situation where individuals or small groups of participants trade in a market, and prices are determined by interactions between the participants rather than by demand and supply alone. A dynamic matching and bargaining game is considered, with statistical duality imposed on the market game, ensuring that each participant has a counterpart with opposite preferences. This guaranties that there is sufficient incentive for trade. It is shown that, in each period, the expected logarithm of the trading price in the Edgeworthian economy equals the expected Walrasian price. This demonstrates that, under symmetry conditions, the trading price in the Edgeworthian economy is related to the Walrasian price, indicating convergence of the trading price in the Edgeworthian economy towards the Walrasian price. The study suggests that, under the right conditions, the decentralized trading model leads to price convergence similar to what would be expected in a more classical Walrasian economy, where prices balance demand and supply.



Estimação do Parâmetro de Dispersão em Modelos de Contagens

Rui Manuel da Costa Miranda



Time series Forecasting using a Game Theoretical Decision Model with Estimators obtained by Machine Learning Techniques

João Filipe Costa Freitas



Demand forecast in fashion retail

António Miguel Arantes da Silva



Applications of Game Theory and Dynamical Systems to Biology and Economy

Atefeh Afsar



Aplicação de teoria de jogo evolucionário para modelação e análise de dois mecanismos de punição para controlo de poluição

Jiaru Pan
