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  • Name

    Alexandra Sofia Mendes
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    15th February 2018


Does Every Computer Scientist Need to Know Formal Methods?

Broy, M; Brucker, AD; Fantechi, A; Gleirscher, M; Havelund, K; Kuppe, MA; Mendes, A; Platzer, A; Ringert, JO; Sullivan, A;

Formal Aspects Comput.

We focus on the integration of Formal Methods as mandatory theme in any Computer Science University curriculum. In particular, when considering the ACM Curriculum for Computer Science, the inclusion of Formal Methods as a mandatory Knowledge Area needs arguing for why and how does every computer science graduate benefit from such knowledge. We do not agree with the sentence "While there is a belief that formal methods are important and they are growing in importance, we cannot state that every computer science graduate will need to use formal methods in their career."We argue that formal methods are and have to be an integral part of every computer science curriculum. Just as not all graduates will need to know how to work with databases either, it is still important for students to have a basic understanding of how data is stored and managed efficiently. The same way, students have to understand why and how formal methods work, what their formal background is, and how they are justified. No engineer should be ignorant of the foundations of their subject and the formal methods based on these.In this article, we aim at highlighting why every computer scientist needs to be familiar with formal methods. We argue that education in formal methods plays a key role by shaping students' programming mindset, fostering an appreciation for underlying principles, and encouraging the practice of thoughtful program design and justification, rather than simply writing programs without reflection and deeper understanding. Since integrating formal methods into the computer science curriculum is not a straightforward process, we explore the additional question: what are the tradeoffs between one dedicated knowledge area of formal methods in a computer science curriculum versus having formal methods scattered across all knowledge areas? Solving problems while designing software and software-intensive systems demands an understanding of what is required, followed by a specification and formalizing a solution in a programming language. How to do this systematically and correctly on solid grounds is exactly supported by formal methods. © 2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).


GLITCH: Polyglot Code Smell Detection in Infrastructure as Code

Saavedra, N; Ferreira, JF; Mendes, A;


GLITCH is a versatile tool designed for detecting code smells in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) scripts across multiple technologies. Developed by researchers from INESC-ID (Lisbon), INESC TEC (Porto), Instituto Superior T & eacute;cnico / University of Lisbon, and the Faculty of Engineering / University of Porto, GLITCH automates the detection of both security and design flaws in scripts written in Ansible, Chef, Docker, Puppet, and Terraform. By using a technology-agnostic framework, GLITCH aims to improve the consistency and efficiency of code smell detection, making it valuable resource for DevOps engineers and researchers focused on software quality.


Patient-Centric Health Data Sovereignty: An Approach Using Proxy Re-Encryption

Rodrigues, B; Amorim, I; Silva, I; Mendes, A;


The exponential growth in the digitisation of services implies the handling and storage of large volumes of data. Businesses and services see data sharing and crossing as an opportunity to improve and produce new business opportunities. The health sector is one area where this proves to be true, enabling better and more innovative treatments. Notwithstanding, this raises concerns regarding personal data being treated and processed. In this paper, we present a patient-centric platform for the secure sharing of health records by shifting the control over the data to the patient, therefore, providing a step further towards data sovereignty. Data sharing is performed only with the consent of the patient, allowing it to revoke access at any given time. Furthermore, we also provide a break-glass approach, resorting to Proxy Re-encryption (PRE) and the concept of a centralised trusted entity that possesses instant access to patients' medical records. Lastly, an analysis is made to assess the performance of the platform's key operations, and the impact that a PRE scheme has on those operations.


DifFuzzAR: automatic repair of timing side-channel vulnerabilities via refactoring

Lima, R; Ferreira, JF; Mendes, A; Carreira, C;


Vulnerability detection and repair is a demanding and expensive part of the software development process. As such, there has been an effort to develop new and better ways to automatically detect and repair vulnerabilities. DifFuzz is a state-of-the-art tool for automatic detection of timing side-channel vulnerabilities, a type of vulnerability that is particularly difficult to detect and correct. Despite recent progress made with tools such as DifFuzz, work on tools capable of automatically repairing timing side-channel vulnerabilities is scarce. In this paper, we propose DifFuzzAR, a tool for automatic repair of timing side-channel vulnerabilities in Java code. The tool works in conjunction with DifFuzz and it is able to repair 56% of the vulnerabilities identified in DifFuzz's dataset. The results show that the tool can automatically correct timing side-channel vulnerabilities, being more effective with those that are control-flow based. In addition, the results of a user study show that users generally trust the refactorings produced by DifFuzzAR and that they see value in such a tool, in particular for more critical code.


Leveraging Large Language Models to Boost Dafny's Developers Productivity

Silva, A; Mendes, A; Ferreira, JF;


This research idea paper proposes leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance the productivity of Dafny developers. Although the use of verification-aware languages, such as Dafny, has increased considerably in the last decade, these are still not widely adopted. Often the cost of using such languages is too high, due to the level of expertise required from the developers and challenges that they often face when trying to prove a program correct. Even though Dafny automates a lot of the verification process, sometimes there are steps that are too complex for Dafny to perform on its own. One such case is that of missing lemmas, i.e. Dafny is unable to prove a result without being given further help in the form of a theorem that can assist it in the proof of the step. In this paper, we describe preliminary work on using LLMs to assist developers by generating suggestions for relevant lemmas that Dafny is unable to discover and use. Moreover, for the lemmas that cannot be proved automatically, we attempt to provide accompanying calculational proofs. We also discuss ideas for future work by describing a research agenda on using LLMs to increase the adoption of verification-aware languages in general, by increasing developers productivity and by reducing the level of expertise required for crafting formal specifications and proving program properties.