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  • Name

    Aníbal Ferreira
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    22nd November 1995


Demystifying DFT-Based Harmonic Phase Estimation, Transformation, and Synthesis

Oliveira, M; Santos, V; Saraiva, A; Ferreira, A;


Many natural signals exhibit a quasi-periodic behavior and are conveniently modeled as a combination of several harmonic sinusoids whose relative frequencies, magnitudes and phases vary with time. The waveform shape of those signals reflects important physical phenomena underlying their generation, which requires that those parameters be accurately estimated and modeled. In the literature, accurate phase estimation and modeling has received much less research effort than frequency estimation, or magnitude estimation. First, this paper addresses accurate DFT-based phase estimation of individual sinusoids in six scenarios involving two DFT-based filter banks and three different windows. It is shown that bias in phase estimation is less than 1E-3 radians when the SNR is equal to or larger than 2.5 dB. Taking as a reference the Cramér-Rao Lower Bound, it is shown that one particular window offers a performance of practical interest by approximating better the CRLB when signal conditions are favorable, and by minimizing the performance deviation when signal conditions are adverse. Second, this paper explains how a shift-invariant phase-related feature can be devised that characterizes harmonic phase structure, which motivates a signal processing paradigm that greatly simplifies parametric modeling, transformation and synthesis of harmonics signals, in addition to facilitating the understanding and reverse engineering of the phasegram. Theory and results are discussed in a reproducible perspective using dedicated experiments that are supported with code allowing not only to replicate figures and results in this paper, but also to expand research.


Demystifying DFT-Based Harmonic Phase Estimation, Transformation, and Synthesis

Oliveira, M; Santos, V; Saraiva, A; Ferreira, A;


Many natural signals exhibit quasi-periodic behaviors and are conveniently modeled as combinations of several harmonic sinusoids whose relative frequencies, magnitudes, and phases vary with time. The waveform shapes of those signals reflect important physical phenomena underlying their generation, requiring those parameters to be accurately estimated and modeled. In the literature, accurate phase estimation and modeling have received significantly less attention than frequency or magnitude estimation. This paper first addresses accurate DFT-based phase estimation of individual sinusoids across six scenarios involving two DFT-based filter banks and three different windows. It has been shown that bias in phase estimation is less than 0.001 radians when the SNR is equal to or larger than 2.5 dB. Using the Cram & eacute;r-Rao lower bound as a reference, it has been demonstrated that one particular window offers performance of practical interest by better approximating the CRLB under favorable signal conditions and minimizing performance deviation under adverse conditions. This paper describes the development of a shift-invariant phase-related feature that characterizes the harmonic phase structure. This feature motivates a new signal processing paradigm that greatly simplifies the parametric modeling, transformation, and synthesis of harmonic signals. It also aids in understanding and reverse engineering the phasegram. The theory and results are discussed from a reproducible perspective, with dedicated experiments supported by code, allowing for the replication of figures and results presented in this paper and facilitating further research.


Discriminative segmental cues to vowel height and consonantal place and voicing in whispered speech

Jesus, LMT; Castilho, S; Ferreira, A; Costa, MC;


Purpose: The acoustic signal attributes of whispered speech potentially carry sufficiently distinct information to define vowel spaces and to disambiguate consonant place and voicing, but what these attributes are and the underlying production mechanisms are not fully known. The purpose of this study was to define segmental cues to place and voicing of vowels and sibilant fricatives and to develop an articulatory interpretation of acoustic data.Method: Seventeen speakers produced sustained sibilants and oral vowels, disyllabic words, sentences and read a phonetically balanced text. All the tasks were repeated in voiced and whispered speech, and the sound source and filter analysed using the following parameters: Fundamental frequency, spectral peak frequencies and levels, spectral slopes, sound pressure level and durations. Logistic linear mixed-effects models were developed to understand what acoustic signal attributes carry sufficiently distinct information to disambiguate /i, a/ and /s, ?/.Results: Vowels were produced with significantly different spectral slope, sound pressure level, first and second formant frequencies in voiced and whispered speech. The low frequencies spectral slope of voiced sibilants was significantly different between whispered and voiced speech. The odds of choosing /a/ instead of /i/ were esti-mated to be lower for whispered speech when compared to voiced speech. Fricatives' broad peak frequency was statistically significant when discriminating between /s/ and /?/.Conclusions: First formant frequency and relative duration of vowels are consistently used as height cues, and spectral slope and broad peak frequency are attributes associated with consonantal place of articulation. The rel-ative duration of same-place voiceless fricatives was higher than voiced fricatives both in voiced and whispered speech. The evidence presented in this paper can be used to restore voiced speech signals, and to inform reha-bilitation strategies that can safely explore the production mechanisms of whispering.CO 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://


One-Step Discrete Fourier Transform-Based Sinusoid Frequency Estimation under Full-Bandwidth Quasi-Harmonic Interference

Silva, JM; Oliveira, MA; Saraiva, AF; Ferreira, AJS;


The estimation of the frequency of sinusoids has been the object of intense research for more than 40 years. Its importance in classical fields such as telecommunications, instrumentation, and medicine has been extended to numerous specific signal processing applications involving, for example, speech, audio, and music processing. In many cases, these applications run in real-time and, thus, require accurate, fast, and low-complexity algorithms. Taking the normalized Cramer-Rao lower bound as a reference, this paper evaluates the relative performance of nine non-iterative discrete Fourier transform-based individual sinusoid frequency estimators when the target sinusoid is affected by full-bandwidth quasi-harmonic interference, in addition to stationary noise. Three levels of the quasi-harmonic interference severity are considered: no harmonic interference, mild harmonic interference, and strong harmonic interference. Moreover, the harmonic interference is amplitude-modulated and frequency-modulated reflecting real-world conditions, e.g., in singing and musical chords. Results are presented for when the Signal-to-Noise Ratio varies between -10 dB and 70 dB, and they reveal that the relative performance of different frequency estimators depends on the SNR and on the selectivity and leakage of the window that is used, but also changes drastically as a function of the severity of the quasi-harmonic interference. In particular, when this interference is strong, the performance curves of the majority of the tested frequency estimators collapse to a few trends around and above 0.4% of the DFT bin width.


Identification of words in whispered speech: The role of cues to fricatives' place and voicing

Jesus, LMT; Ferreira, JFS; Ferreira, AJS;


The temporal distribution of acoustic cues in whispered speech was analyzed using the gating paradigm. Fifteen Portuguese participants listened to real disyllabic words produced by four Portuguese speakers. Lexical choices, confidence scores, isolation points (IPs), and recognition points (RPs) were analyzed. Mixed effects models predicted that the first syllable and 70% of the total duration of the second syllable were needed for lexical choices to be above chance level. Fricatives' place, not voicing, had a significant effect on the percentage of correctly identified words. IP and RP values of words with postalveolar voiced and voiceless fricatives were significantly different.



Whispered speech segmentation based on Deep Learning

Gonçalo Duarte Nunes



Whispered speech segmentation based on Deep Learning

Gonçalo Duarte Nunes



Whispered speech segmentation based on Deep Learning

Gonçalo Duarte Nunes



Vozeamento sintético de voz disfónica através da síntese digital de estruturas harmónicas em tempo real

Nélio David de Freitas Gonçalves



Whispered speech segmentation based on Deep Learning

Gonçalo Duarte Nunes
