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Bruno Giesteira is Professor at University of Porto, FBAUP, Design Department, lecturing classes of Design, Ergonomics and User Experience.

At R&D level, he is a Senior Researcher at INESC TEC, CSIG, having collaborated in the last decade on several R&D projects in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience.



  • Name

    Bruno Giesteira
  • Role

    External Research Collaborator
  • Since

    01st July 2016


Designing User Interaction with Linked Data in Historical Archives

Guedes, C; Giesteira, B; Nunes, S;


In this article, we present solutions to visualize and interact with linked data in historical archives considering three different scenarios: search, individual record view, and creation of relationships. The created solutions were designed using nonfunctional mockups and were based on the CIDOC-CRM model, a model created and applied in the museums community liable to be extended to other cultural heritage institutions, being our solutions an application of this model to archives. A sample of 20 archival professionals was selected to evaluate the elements included in the proposed solutions. The evaluation sessions consisted in structured interviews supported by an introductory video and a survey. The think-aloud protocol was applied during the sessions. We conducted both a quantitative and qualitative analysis to the collected answers. From this analysis, we conclude that the majority of the participants showed great receptivity to the solutions presented and recognized many benefits in the application of linked data. Our contributions also include an exploratory study of some existing linked data systems, giving particular attention to their visualization and interaction modes.


Positive Play

Cardoso, P; Peçaibes, V; Giesteira, B; Castro, LCd;

Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice - Handbook of Research on Solving Modern Healthcare Challenges With Gamification

This chapter's first goal is to present the concept of Positive Play as an expression of play focused on social, psychological, and physical well-being and human potential. It presents some of its foundations in the form of eight maxims that emerged from an analysis on various games developed in the industry and in research settings. Afterwards, it demonstrates of how Positive Play can be integrated in different contexts of action, from diagnosis and intervention to contexts focused on prevention and promotion of awareness and knowledge in the scope of mental health, regarding treatment for Anorexia Nervosa, through a series of in-progress case studies in the form of game prototypes.


Carnival Play

Giesteira, B; Silva, J; Sarmento, T; Abreu, P; Restivo, MT;

Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice - Handbook of Research on Solving Modern Healthcare Challenges With Gamification

Developed within the scope of a SciTech research project, this chapter records in a procedural way the design centred on senior users for a set of three serious games for the eHealth field, designated by the authors as “Carnival.” The chapter, having as its leitmotif the project aforementioned, looking at its motivation, breaks down the systems augmented feedback interfaces—BodyGrip and SHaRe—to evaluate, rehabilitate, and monitor dexterity and manual strength. Topics related to empathy and well-being in the user experience design process, namely guidelines for empathy in different project phases, participatory design, inclusiveness, and amusement are identified. Withal listed the development phases of three games dynamics inherent to the “Carnival” set —“High Striker,” “Claw Machine,” “HotDog Sauce”—punctuating with the discussion and contributions to the e-health area describing its potential for Evaluate, rehabilitate, and monitor dexterity and manual strength.


How Do I Feel When… A Card-Based Communication Game to Stimulate Empathy Among Family Members with Anorexia Nervosa

Peçaibes, V; Cardoso, P; Castro, L; Giesteira, B; Lopes, L; Junqueira, C;

Springer Series in Design and Innovation

Today, games play active roles in diverse stages of the treatment of various mental illnesses. Despite this favourable context, their use as tools in the treatment of anorexia nervosa is still quite unexplored. We are developing playful and gamified tools that can be used as instruments in the prevention, treatment and monitoring of this complex disease. The objective of this paper is to present the initial process of design and development of a card-based game called How do I feel when… Its purpose consists of stimulating empathy among family members of patients with anorexia nervosa. Play sessions are to be mediated by health professionals and are supposed to occur in the context of support and therapeutic groups for family members of people suffering from eating disorders or in clinical consultations. Preliminary tests and expert reviews showed that the game is effective in establishing free association of subjects in players’ reasonings, and in inciting the externalisation and sharing of players’ feelings. It also demonstrated that, because players usually read the cards in accordance to their life experience, the game is able to circumscribe and personalise the subjects to be discussed. © 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Speculative Design for Development of Serious Games: A Case Study in the Context of Anorexia Nervosa

Peçaibes, V; Cardoso, P; Giesteira, B;

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

This article presents preliminary findings on the application of both Speculative Design and Game Design towards the conception of two prototypes of serious games with focus on anorexia. The first prototype focuses on psychoeducation of school-age youth, and the second aims to support research and sharing of knowledge about the disease, able to be used in focus groups and interviews. Anorexia is a complex and often fatal disease that has no cure, and by conceiving and playing these first prototypes we were able get a glimpse of the its context, making us more ready for this research’s next stages. © 2019, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.



Contribuições e limitações do Designer em Contextos de Sensibilização e Mobilização Cívica na Atualidade: relato da experiência de estágio na U. DREAM

Joana Catarina Mota Figueiredo



Design as a passport? the role of Design as a tool used by European Union policies in the context of funding for creative industries organisations and their internationalisation

Rui Miguel da Costa Monteiro



O design e o Lúdico como Mecanismos no Tratamento da Anorexia Nervosa

Viviane Peçaibes de Mello



Arte & ciência; Como a Tecnologia CRISPR pode ser utilizada para que estas áreas, com percursos históricos diversos coalesçam num objeto que assuma na sua natureza a dimensão artística e a dimensão científica, renunciando a sua grandeza representativa.

Ana Paula Oliveira Rosas



Intentional Friction in the User Interface of Digital Games

Isabella Barbosa Silva
