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  • Name

    Haline Costa Maia
  • Role

    External Research Collaborator
  • Since

    01st September 2021


Automated News in Brazilian television: A case study on the AIDA system (Globo-Brazil)

Essenfelder, R; Canavilhas, J; Maia, HC; Pinto, RJ;


Technological advancements have created a media ecosystem in which traditional journalism sees its existence strongly threatened by the emergence of new players. Social networks have created a competitive environment that, whether due to its dispersion or its capillarity, has relegated the mainstream media to a secondary role in the media ecosystem. Ironically, the technologies that threaten traditional journalism are also those that can save it; provided they are used correctly. Journalism, weakened by the economic crisis and with increasingly smaller newsrooms, has artificial intelligence as an opportunity to recover a certain centrality in the media ecosystem. This paper studies AIDA, a project from the Brazilian television network Globo. This project looked to automation as a way to avoid errors and ambiguities in the news. The study of the AIDA case, complemented by interviews, presents the challenges to achieve the automatization of news regarding electoral polls.