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Henrique M. Salgado graduated in Applied Physics (Optics and Electronics) from the University of Porto in 1985 and received the PhD degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems from University of Wales in 1993. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers of the University of Porto in 1999 as an Invited Assistant Professor and in 2003 he became Associate Professor. Since 1995 that he heads the Optical and Electronics Area of INESC TEC, begin responsible for several national and internationally funded (EU) research projects. From 1997-1999 he was Research Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University College London, UK and previously Research Assistant at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems, Bangor, UK. He is the author and co-author of numerous international publications in the field of optical fibre communications and microwaves. His current research interests include: radio-over-fiber technology and microwave photonics, digital equalization in coherent optical systems, all-optical networks, modeling of nonlinearities and design of compact multiband antennas. He is a member of the Photonics and Communications societies of the IEEE.



  • Name

    Henrique Salgado
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    25th October 1985


Memristor-Based 1-Bit Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for 6G Communications at D-Band

Elsaid, M; Inácio, I; Salgado, M; Pessoa, M;

Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA

The Sub-THz and millimeter-wave bands have gained popularity, with the expectation that they will host the next generation of wireless communication systems. Furthermore, research on beam-steering characteristics provided by Programmable Electromagnetic Surfaces, such as Reflective Intelligent Surfaces (RISs), has garnered considerable attention as an enabling technology for 6G communications. Due to size limitations, RISs face challenges related to power consumption in the reconfigurable elements and their integration with unit cells operating at high frequencies. This paper discusses the design of a 1-bit reconfigurable unit cell at the D-band using non-volatile technology to minimize static power consumption. Simulation results show that the proposed unit cell performs well with a reflection loss of less than 1.3 dB in both reconfigurable states across a frequency band from 120 to 170 GHz. Moreover, the phase difference between the two states is maintained at 180? ± 20?, with an operational bandwidth of approximately 16 GHz. The beamforming capabilities, with steering angles from -60? to 60?, of the 12×12 RIS, utilizing the proposed unit cell, have been demonstrated in terms of controlling the main beam radiation precisely to various angles with consistent performance at frequencies of 147 GHz, 152 GHz, and 152.5 GHz. © 2024 IEEE.


Misalignment-Resilient Propagation Model for Underwater Optical Wireless Links

Araujo, JH; Tavares, JS; Marques, VM; Salgado, HM; Pessoa, LM;


This paper proposes a multiple-lens receiver scheme to increase the misalignment tolerance of an underwater optical wireless communications link between an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and a sensor plane. An accurate model of photon propagation based on the Monte Carlo simulation is presented which accounts for the lens(es) photon refraction at the sensor interface and angular misalignment between the emitter and receiver. The results show that the ideal divergence of the beam of the emitter is around 15 degrees for a 1 m transmission length, increasing to 22 degrees for a shorter distance of 0.5 m but being independent of the water turbidity. In addition, it is concluded that a seven-lense scheme is approximately three times more tolerant to offset than a single lens. A random forest machine learning algorithm is also assessed for its suitability to estimate the offset and angle of the AUV in relation to the fixed sensor, based on the power distribution of each lens, in real time. The algorithm is able to estimate the offset and angular misalignment with a mean square error of 5 mm (6 mm) and 0.157 rad (0.174 rad) for a distance between the transmitter and receiver of 1 m and 0.5 m, respectively.


Sigma-Delta Modulation for Enhanced Underwater Optical Wireless Communication Systems

Araújo J.H.; Rocha H.J.; Tavares J.S.; Salgado H.M.;

International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks

This paper presents an experimental investigation of sigma-delta modulation (SDM) as a means of improving the performance of underwater optical communication systems. The study considers the impact of the key parameters of SDM, including oversampling ratio, the system's signal-to-noise ratio, bandwidth, and optical link distance. The results of this study provide insights into the design and optimization of SDM-based underwater optical communication systems, paving the way for future research in this field. A fully digital solution, albeit operating at a lower bit rate than previously published OFDM counterparts, provides immunity against nonlinearities of the system and robustness to noise, which is relevant in harsh environments. Moreover, the proposed solution based on a first-order bandpass SDM architecture avoids the employment of a DAC at the receiver, simplifying its operation and reducing costs. An experimental investigation is carried out for the transmission of 16-QAM over SDM, and a transmission distance of 4.8 m over the underwater channel is achieved with a maximum transmission rate of 400 Mbit/s with an MER of 28 dB.


Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity Backed Slot Antennas for Millimeter-Wave Applications

Finich, S; Salgado, HM; Pinho, P;


A low-cost single-layer substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity-backed slot antenna is proposed for millimeter-wave applications. The structure is designed to operate at the W-band. The T-shaped slot antenna is placed on the back-side of the SIW and fed by a grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW) transmission line. A transition between the (GCPW) and the SIW is also designed. The simulated results provide that the antenna has a stable gain over the frequency range (98.79-100.56) GHz with a maximum value of around 6 dBi also high radiation efficiency.


A Gaussian Window for Interference Mitigation in Ka-band Digital Beamforming Systems

Tavares, JS; Avelar, HH; Salgado, HM; Pessoa, LM;

2022 13th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2022

This paper proposes the use of a Gaussian window on the array factor as an interference mitigation method, aiming to avoid the computational complexity of the MVDR algorithm at the cost of a slight performance reduction. We show that by optimizing the parameters of the Gaussian window, it is possible to effectively mitigate the interfering signal if it is received within a certain angular range from the desired signal, while being still effective beyond that range. Finally, we show that the effectiveness of this approach is maintained across the full frequency reception range of the Ka-band, and confirm its validity using 8 × 8 and 16 × 16 array sizes. © 2022 IEEE.



Ultra Flexible RF Electronics: Performance Study of Lines and Antennas

Rafael Peres de Morais



High Power Efficiency, Wideband Microwave Power Amplifier Design Using Low-Cost Packaging and Integration Techniques for Emerging Transmitter Systems

Hassan Safdary



Constellation shaping in high-speed resilient underwater optical wireless communications

João Henrique Melro Araújo



Sub-THz and THz Antennas for Wireless Access Network Applications

Sanaâ Finich



Constellation shaping in high-speed resilient underwater optical wireless communications

João Henrique Melro Araújo - Feup
