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Luís Paulo Santos is and Assistant Professor of the Department of Informatics, Universidade do Minho and researcher of CSIG, INESC-TEC. His research area is rendering and global illumination, focusing on algorithms' performance and heterogeneous parallel computing (CPU + GPU + Knights Landing) to reduce convergence tiome towards perceptually correct solutions. He published several papers in the most relevant international fora of Computer Graphics (conferences and journals), and authored a book on Bayesian Monte Carlo Rendering. He nelongs to the Program Committee of several international conferences, having chaired a few of these and organized 6 such events in Portugal.

He has been Vicer Director of the Department, and the Informatics Engineering degree. He was the Director of the Doctoral Programme on Informatics. He integrated the Committe designted by the Rector to install an United Nations University Operational Unit on Electronic Governance in Guimarães, Portugal, and is currently a member of the direction of the unit responsible for the interface between the 2 institutions.

He is Associate Editor of the Computers & Graphics Elsevier journal and President of the Portuguese Group of Computer Graphics, formally the portuguese chapter of Eurographics, for the period of 2017-2018.



  • Name

    Luís Paulo Santos
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    01st January 2017


Reducing measurement costs by recycling the Hessian in adaptive variational quantum algorithms

Ramôa, M; Santos, LP; Mayhall, NJ; Barnes, E; Economou, SE;


Adaptive protocols enable the construction of more efficient state preparation circuits in variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) by utilizing data obtained from the quantum processor during the execution of the algorithm. This idea originated with Adaptive Derivative-Assembled Problem-Tailored variational quantum eigensolver (ADAPT-VQE), an algorithm that iteratively grows the state preparation circuit operator by operator, with each new operator accompanied by a new variational parameter, and where all parameters acquired thus far are optimized in each iteration. In ADAPT-VQE and other adaptive VQAs that followed it, it has been shown that initializing parameters to their optimal values from the previous iteration speeds up convergence and avoids shallow local traps in the parameter landscape. However, no other data from the optimization performed at one iteration is carried over to the next. In this work, we propose an improved quasi-Newton optimization protocol specifically tailored to adaptive VQAs. The distinctive feature in our proposal is that approximate second derivatives of the cost function are recycled across iterations in addition to optimal parameter values. We implement a quasi-Newton optimizer where an approximation to the inverse Hessian matrix is continuously built and grown across the iterations of an adaptive VQA. The resulting algorithm has the flavor of a continuous optimization where the dimension of the search space is augmented when the gradient norm falls below a given threshold. We show that this inter-optimization exchange of second-order information leads the approximate Hessian in the state of the optimizer to be consistently closer to the exact Hessian. As a result, our method achieves a superlinear convergence rate even in situations where the typical implementation of a quasi-Newton optimizer converges only linearly. Our protocol decreases the measurement costs in implementing adaptive VQAs on quantum hardware as well as the runtime of their classical simulation.


On Quantum Natural Policy Gradients

Sequeira, A; Santos, LP; Barbosa, LS;


This article delves into the role of the quantum Fisher information matrix (FIM) in enhancing the performance of parameterized quantum circuit (PQC)-based reinforcement learning agents. While previous studies have highlighted the effectiveness of PQC-based policies preconditioned with the quantum FIM in contextual bandits, its impact in broader reinforcement learning contexts, such as Markov decision processes, is less clear. Through a detailed analysis of L & ouml;wner inequalities between quantum and classical FIMs, this study uncovers the nuanced distinctions and implications of using each type of FIM. Our results indicate that a PQC-based agent using the quantum FIM without additional insights typically incurs a larger approximation error and does not guarantee improved performance compared to the classical FIM. Empirical evaluations in classic control benchmarks suggest even though quantum FIM preconditioning outperforms standard gradient ascent, in general, it is not superior to classical FIM preconditioning.


VQC-based reinforcement learning with data re-uploading: performance and trainability

Coelho, R; Sequeira, A; Santos, LP;


Reinforcement learning (RL) consists of designing agents that make intelligent decisions without human supervision. When used alongside function approximators such as Neural Networks (NNs), RL is capable of solving extremely complex problems. Deep Q-Learning, a RL algorithm that uses Deep NNs, has been shown to achieve super-human performance in game-related tasks. Nonetheless, it is also possible to use Variational Quantum Circuits (VQCs) as function approximators in RL algorithms. This work empirically studies the performance and trainability of such VQC-based Deep Q-Learning models in classic control benchmark environments. More specifically, we research how data re-uploading affects both these metrics. We show that the magnitude and the variance of the model's gradients remain substantial throughout training even as the number of qubits increases. In fact, both increase considerably in the training's early stages, when the agent needs to learn the most. They decrease later in the training, when the agent should have done most of the learning and started converging to a policy. Thus, even if the probability of being initialized in a Barren Plateau increases exponentially with system size for Hardware-Efficient ansatzes, these results indicate that the VQC-based Deep Q-Learning models may still be able to find large gradients throughout training, allowing for learning.


Trainability issues in quantum policy gradients

Sequeira, A; Santos, LP; Barbosa, LS;


This research explores the trainability of Parameterized Quantum Circuit-based policies in Reinforcement Learning, an area that has recently seen a surge in empirical exploration. While some studies suggest improved sample complexity using quantum gradient estimation, the efficient trainability of these policies remains an open question. Our findings reveal significant challenges, including standard Barren Plateaus with exponentially small gradients and gradient explosion. These phenomena depend on the type of basis-state partitioning and the mapping of these partitions onto actions. For a polynomial number of actions, a trainable window can be ensured with a polynomial number of measurements if a contiguous-like partitioning of basis-states is employed. These results are empirically validated in a multi-armed bandit environment.


Towards Quantum Ray Tracing

Santos L.P.; Bashford-Rogers T.; Barbosa J.; Navratil P.;

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Rendering on conventional computers is capable of generating realistic imagery, but the computational complexity of these light transport algorithms is a limiting factor of image synthesis. Quantum computers have the potential to significantly improve rendering performance through reducing the underlying complexity of the algorithms behind light transport. This paper investigates hybrid quantum-classical algorithms for ray tracing, a core component of most rendering techniques. Through a practical implementation of quantum ray tracing in a 3D environment, we show quantum approaches provide a quadratic improvement in query complexity compared to the equivalent classical approach. Based on domain specific knowledge, we then propose algorithms to significantly reduce the computation required for quantum ray tracing through exploiting image space coherence and a principled termination criteria for quantum searching. We show results obtained using a simulator for both Whitted style ray tracing, and for accelerating ray tracing operations when performing classical Monte Carlo integration for area lights and indirect illumination.



Quantum Reinforcement Learning: Foundations, algorithms, applications

André Manuel Resende Sequeira



Algoritmos e aplicações de estimativa de amplitude quântica

Alexandra Francisco Ramôa da Costa Alves



Classification and Clustering using Swap Test as distance metric

Tomás Rodrigues Alves de Sousa



Algoritmos de otimização quântica

Mafalda Francisco Ramôa da Costa Alves



Quantum Reinforcement Learning: a heuristic approach to solve deterministic MDPs

Renato Alberto Soares de Brito
