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Marta Campos Ferreira is a researcher at INESC TEC and invited assistant professor at Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto. She holds a PhD in Transportation Systems from the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (MIT Portugal Program), a M.Sc. in Service Engineering and Management from the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto and a Lic. in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of University of Porto.

She is the Co-Founder & Co-Editor of the Topical Collection "Research and Entrepreneurship: Making the Leap from Research to Business" with SN Applied Sciences, Associate Editor of the Expert Systems With Applications Journal and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Management and Decision Making.

She has already participated in the organization of several national and international conferences, being the co-founder of the Congress on Services Engineering and Management (16 editions to date) and of the International Symposium on Research and Entrepreneurship.

She has been involved in several R&D projects in areas such as technology enabled services, transport and mobility, with enormous impact on the economy and society and which resulted in several functional prototypes. The prototype developed under the Anda project gave rise to a mobile payment service for public transport in the Porto Metropolitan Area, in Portugal, which has been available to the public since June 2018 and is used daily by thousands of citizens.

She is the author and co-author of more than 30 articles published in journals, books or in indexed conference proceedings and supervised more than 40 master thesis.

Her current research interests include service design, human computer interaction, data science, knowledge extraction, sustainable mobility and intelligent transport systems.



  • Name

    Marta Campos Ferreira
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    01st January 2014


A citywide TD-learning based intelligent traffic signal control for autonomous vehicles: Performance evaluation using SUMO

Reza, S; Ferreira, MC; Machado, JJM; Tavares, JMRS;


An autonomous vehicle can sense its environment and operate without human involvement. Its adequate management in an intelligent transportation system could significantly reduce traffic congestion and overall travel time in a network. Adaptive traffic signal controller (ATSC) based on multi-agent systems using state-action-reward-state-action (SARSA (lambda)) are well-known state-of-the-art models to manage autonomous vehicles within urban areas. However, this study found inefficient weights updating mechanisms of the conventional SARSA (lambda) models. Therefore, it proposes a Gaussian function to regulate the eligibility trace vector's decay mechanism effectively. On the other hand, an efficient understanding of the state of the traffic environment is crucial for an agent to take optimal actions. The conventional models feed the state values to the agents through the MinMax normalization technique, which sometimes shows less efficiency and robustness. So, this study suggests the MaxAbs scaled state values instead of MinMax to address the problem. Furthermore, the combination of the A-star routing algorithm and proposed model demonstrated a good increase in performance relatively to the conventional SARSA (lambda)-based routing algorithms. The proposed model and the baselines were implemented in a microscopic traffic simulation environment using the SUMO package over a complex real-world-like 21-intersections network to evaluate their performance. The results showed a reduction of the vehicle's average total waiting time and total stops by a mean value of 59.9% and 17.55% compared to the considered baselines. Also, the A-star combined with the proposed controller outperformed the conventional approaches by increasing the vehicle's average trip speed by 3.4%.


Emerging technologies for supporting patients during Hemodialysis: A scoping review

Martins, AR; Ferreira, MC; Fernandes, CS;

International Journal of Medical Informatics



Emerging technologies for supporting patients during Hemodialysis: A scoping review

Martins, AR; Ferreira, MC; Fernandes, CS;


Purpose:To synthesizethe availableevidenceaboutthe use of HealthInformationTechnology(HIT)to supportpatientsduringhemodialysis.Methods:TheJoannaBriggsInstitute's methodologicalguidelinesfor scopingreviewsandthe PRISMA-ScRchecklistwereemployed.BibliographicsearchesacrossMEDLINE (R), CINAHL (R), PsychologyandBehavioralSciencesCollection,Scopus,MedicLatina,and Cochraneyielded932 records.Results:Eighteenstudiespublishedbetween2003and2023wereincluded.Theyexploreda rangeof HITs,includingvirtualreality,exergames,websites,and mobileapplications,all specificallydevelopedfor use duringthe intradialyticperiod.Conclusion:Thisstudyhighlightsthe HITsdevelopedfor use duringhemodialysistreatment,supportingphysicalexercise,diseasemanagement,and enhancementof self-efficacyand self-care.


Simulator and on-road testing of truck platooning: a systematic review

Botelho, TC; Duarte, SP; Ferreira, MC; Ferreira, S; Lobo, A;


The evolution of transport technologies, marked by integrating connectivity and automation, has led to innovative approaches such as truck platooning. This concept involves linking multiple trucks through automated driving and vehicle-to-vehicle communication, promising to revolutionize the freight industry by enhancing efficiency and reducing operational costs. This systematic review explores the current state of truck platooning testing literature, focusing on simulator and on-road tests. The objective is to identify key scenarios and requirements for successfully developing and implementing the truck platooning concept. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA) guidelines, we searched the Web of Science and Scopus databases, leading to the inclusion of thirty pertinent articles encompassing simulation-based, on-road, and mixed-environment experiments. In addition to the type of testing environment, these articles were assorted into three groups corresponding to their main thematic scope, human-centered, technology-centered, and energy efficiency studies, each providing unique insights into core themes for the development of truck platooning. The results reveal a commonly preferred platoon formation consisting of three trucks maintaining a constant speed of 80 km/h and a stable distance of 10 m between them. Simulator-based studies have predominantly concentrated on human factors, examining driver behavior and interaction within the platooning framework. In contrast, on-road trials have yielded tangible data, offering a more technology-driven perspective and contributing practical insights to the field. While the literature on truck platooning has grown considerably, this review recognizes some limitations in the existing literature and suggests paths for future research. Overall, this systematic review provides valuable insights to the ongoing development of robust and effective truck platooning systems.


Exploring Perceptions of Comfort, Security and Safety in Different Modes of Transport: A Comparative Study

Ferreira, MC; Dias, TG;

Lecture Notes in Mobility - Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility

Abstract This study seeks to comprehensively analyze the multidimensional determinants underlying perceptions of safety, security, and comfort in transport mode choice, specifically focusing on private transport, public transport and walking. The research begins with an extensive literature review to identify and delve into the factors influencing perceptions of safety, security, and comfort across various transport modes. This inquiry is further enhanced by organizing two focused group sessions. A total of 35 key factors were identified, forming the basis for subsequent investigation. The study then progressed to the development and administration of a survey aimed at capturing responses from a diverse audience, with the goal of exploring the factors influencing perceptions related to different transport modes. A total of 302 responses were collected and meticulously analyzed to discern the factors impacting various relationships and to identify consistent perceptions across diverse transport modes. Additionally, a factor analysis was conducted to validate the findings derived from the data. The outcomes of this research constitute a significant contribution to the existing literature, offering valuable insights that pave the way for a more holistic understanding of the factors guiding transport mode choices.



Recomendações para Projetos Eficazes de Sinalização na Área da Saúde

Tatiana Larissa Munengombe Franque Machado



Digitizing Patient Preferences in Palliative Care: A Step towards Personalized Care

João Luís Pereira Ferreira



Understanding Urban Mobility Patterns of Mobile Ticketing Users

Danilo Garcia Brandão



Promoting accessibility and social inclusion in smart cities: a gamification approach

Tiago André Sousa Araújo



Promoting healthcare for refugees via information and communication technologies: a gamification approach

Lucas da Cunha Soares
