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Rui E. Araújo received the electrical engineering graduation, M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal in 1987, 1992 and 2001, respectively. From 1987 to 1998, he was an Electrotechnical Engineer in Project Department, Adira Company, Porto, Portugal, and from 1988 to 1989, he was researcher with INESC, Porto, Portugal. Since 1989, he has been with the University of Porto, where he is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering at Faculty of Engineering. He is a Researcher in the Power Systems Unit of INESC PORTO. His research interests are focused on motion control and electric vehicles. Recently, his areas of interests include the design and control of grid-connected converters for micro-grids and electric vehicles.



  • Name

    Rui Esteves Araujo
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    01st April 2010


Comparison between LightGBM and other ML algorithms in PV fault classification

Monteiro, P; Lino, J; Araújo, RE; Costa, L;

EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web

In this paper, the performance analysis of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for fault analysis in photovoltaic (PV) plants, is given for different algorithms. To make the comparison more relevant, this study is made based on a real dataset. The goal was to use electric and environmental data from a PV system to provide a framework for analysing, comparing, and discussing five ML algorithms, such as: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM). The research findings suggest that an algorithm from the Gradient Boosting family called LightGBM can offer comparable or better performance in fault diagnosis for PV system.


Switched reluctance motor core loss estimation with a new method based on static finite elements

Melo, PS; Araújo, RE;


Core loss estimation in switched reluctance motor is a complex task, due to non-linear phenomena and non-sinusoidal flux density waveforms. Several methods have been developed for estimating it (e.g. empirical, and physical-mathematic models), each one with merits and limitations. This paper proposes a new method for core losses estimation based on Finite Element Method Magnetics software. The main idea is using the machine phase-current harmonics as input for estimating core losses. In addition, a comparative study is carried out, where the proposed approach is faced up to a different one, based on Fourier decomposition of the flux density waveforms in the machine sections. In order to systematically analyze and compare the applied estimation cores loss techniques, a case study of a three-phase 6/4 SRM for different simulation scenarios is introduced. The outcomes of both methods are discussed and compared, where core loss convergence is found for limited speed and load ranges.


Fuzzy Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Controller for Switched Reluctance Wind Power Generator in Low-Voltage DC Microgrid Applications

Touati, Z; Mahmoud, I; Araujo, RE; Khedher, A;


There is limited research focused on achieving optimal torque control performance of Switched Reluctance Generators (SRGs). The majority of existing studies tend to favor voltage or power control strategies. However, a significant drawback of SRGs is their susceptibility to high torque ripple. In power generation systems, torque ripple implicates fluctuations in the generated power of the generator. Moreover, high torque ripple can lead to mechanical vibrations and noise in the powertrain, impacting the overall system performance. In this paper, a Torque Sharing Function (TSF) with Indirect Instantaneous Torque Control (IITC) for SRG applied to Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) is proposed to minimize torque ripple. The proposed method adjusts the shared reference torque function between the phases based on instantaneous torque, rather than the existing TSF methods formulated with a mathematical expression. Additionally, this paper introduces an innovative speed control scheme for SRG drive using a Fuzzy Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Command (FSTSMC) method. Notably robust against parameter uncertainties and payload disturbances, the proposed scheme ensures finite-time convergence even in the presence of external disturbances, while effectively reducing chattering. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed methods, comprehensive comparisons are made with traditional control techniques, including Proportional-Integral (PI), Integral Sliding Mode Control (ISMC), and Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control (STSMC). The simulation results, obtained using MATLAB (R)/SIMULINK (R) under various speeds and mechanical torque conditions, demonstrate the superior performance and robustness of the proposed approaches. This study presents a thorough experimental analysis of a 250 W four-phase 8/6 SRG. The generator was connected to a DC resistive load, and the analysis focuses on assessing its performance and operational characteristics across different rotational speeds. The primary objective is to validate and confirm the efficacy of the SRG under varying conditions.


Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Next Generation Zero-Emission Vehicles

de Castro, R; Moura, S; Esteves, RE; Corzine, K;


This special section features extended versions of papers originally published in the 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC22), hosted by the University of California, Merced, USA. This was the first time that the VPPC took place in California, USA. It was a timely visit. California recently announced that only zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) will be allowed to be sold in the state by 2035. Other states and countries will surely follow. The VPPC, as one of the pioneer forums dedicated to electric mobility, is in a privileged position to create and disseminate knowledge that will help our communities transition toward sustainable transportation, improving air quality and reducing greenhouse emissions.


A Practical Methodology for Real-Time Adjustment of Kalman Filter Process Noise for Lithium Battery State-of-Charge Estimation

da Silva, CT; Dias, BMD; Araújo, RE; Pellini, EL; Laganá, AAM;


The methodology presented in this work allows for the creation of a real-time adjustment of Kalman Filter process noise for lithium battery state-of-charge estimation. This work innovates by creating a methodology for adjusting the process (Q) and measurement (R) Kalman Filter noise matrices in real-time. The filter algorithm with this adaptative mechanism achieved an average accuracy of 99.56% in real tests by comparing the estimated battery voltage and measured battery voltage. A cell-balancing strategy was also implemented, capable of guaranteeing the safety and efficiency of the battery pack in all conducted tests. This work presents all the methods, equations, and simulations necessary for the development of a battery management system and applies the system in a practical, real environment. The battery management system hardware and firmware were developed, evaluated, and validated on a battery pack with eight LiFePO4 cells, achieving excellent performance on all conducted tests.



Projeto e desenvolvimento de um laboratório de máquinas elétricas

José Pedro de Neto Castro



Intelligent Fault-Tolerant Protection Scheme for Multi-terminal HVDC Grids

Analcísio António Rodino



Estimação do binário do motor de relutância comutado

Lourenço Miguel Ferreira Espírito Santo



Development of an Electric-Vehicle Charging Management System with Smart Scheduling for Existing Condominiums Using Available Power in Real-Time

Salvador Moreira Paes Carvalhosa



Fatigue State Estimator in Car Driving

Miguel Ângelo Coelho dos Santos
