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Tiago Pinto got his PhD in 2016 from the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, his MSC in Computer Science - Knowledge and Decision Support (2011) and BSc in Computer Science (2008) from the Instituto Politécnico do Porto Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP/IPP). Tiago is an Associate Professor at UTAD (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) and a senior researcher at INESC-TEC. He is also the Chair of IEEE PES Working Group on Multi-Agent Systems and Vice-Chair of IEEE PES Task Force on Open Data Sets. He has participated or participates in more than 45 national and international research projects, 7 of them as Project Coordinator, 1 as Co - Principal Investigator, 5 as Country coordinator. Tiago has published more than 70 papers in international journals, 16 book chapters and 8 edited books. He has also published more than 200 papers in international conferences. He has supervised/co-supervised multiple students (11 PhD, 3 concluded, 41 MSc, 21 concluded, 56 BSc, 51 concluded; and several international students from exchange programs such as EASMUS and PROPICIE). Tiago has a long experience in the organization of conferences, workshops, special sessions, tutorials and panel sessions in multiple relevant international congresses, such as IEEE PES-GM, IEEE SSCI, AAMAS, IJCAI, ECAI; and of special issues edition in international SCI journals. Tiago has received 19 prizes and awards. The main research interests are Artificial Intelligence (multiagent systems, machine learning, game theory, automated negotiation, metaheuristic optimization) in the domains of Power and Energy Systems (manly electricity markets, smart grid and building energy management) and Industry and mobility (including the development of intelligent solutions for enhanced productivity, management and operation of factories, and the development of innovative solutions for electrical vehicles).



  • Name

    Tiago Manuel Campelos
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    01st March 2022


Modeling Electricity Markets and Energy Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

Aliabadi, DE; Pinto, T;


[No abstract available]


Contextual Rule-Based System for Brightness Energy Management in Buildings

Ferreira, V; Pinto, T; Baptista, J;


The increase in renewable generation of a distributed nature has brought significant new challenges to power and energy system management and operation. Self-consumption in buildings is widespread, and with it rises the need for novel, adaptive and intelligent building energy management systems. Although there is already extensive research and development work regarding building energy management solutions, the capabilities for adaptation and contextualization of decisions are still limited. Consequently, this paper proposes a novel contextual rule-based system for energy management in buildings, which incorporates a contextual dimension that enables the adaptability of the system according to diverse contextual situations and the presence of multiple users with different preferences. Results of a case study based on real data show that the contextualization of the energy management process can maintain energy costs as low as possible, while respecting user preferences and guaranteeing their comfort.


Review of Platforms and Frameworks for Building Virtual Assistants

Pereira, R; Lima, C; Reis, A; Pinto, T; Barroso, J;


Virtual assistants offer a new type of solution to handle interaction between human and machine and can be applied in various business contexts such as Industry or Education. When designing and building a virtual assistant the developers must ensure a set of parameters to achieve a good solution. Various platforms and frameworks emerged to allow developers to create virtual assistant solutions easier and faster. This paper provides a review of available platforms and frameworks used by authors to create their own solutions in different areas. Big tech companies like Google with Dialogflow, IBM with Watson Assistant and Microsoft with Bot Framework, present mature solutions to build virtual assistants that provide to the developer all components of the basic architecture to build a fast and solid solution. Open-Source solutions focus on providing to the developer the main components to build a virtual assistant, namely language understanding and response generation.


Local electricity markets: A review on benefits, barriers, current trends and future perspectives

Faia, R; Lezama, F; Soares, J; Pinto, T; Vale, Z;


Local electricity markets are emerging as a viable solution to overcome the challenges brought by the large penetration of distributed renewable generation and the need to put consumers as central players in the system, with an active and dynamic role. Although there is significant literature addressing the topic of local electricity markets, this is still a rather new and emerging topic. Hence, this study provides an overall view of this domain and a perspective on future needs and challenges that must be addressed. This review introduces the most important concepts in the local electricity market domain, provides an analysis on the different policy and regulatory framework, exposes the most relevant worldwide initiatives related to the field implementation, and scrutinizes the alternative local market models proposed in the literature. The discussion puts forth the main benefits and barriers of the currently proposed local market models, and the expected impact of their widespread implementation. The review is concluded with the wrap-up and discussion on the most relevant paths for future research and development in this field of study.


Context-Aware System for Information Flow Management in Factories of the Future

Monteiro, P; Pereira, R; Nunes, R; Reis, A; Pinto, T;


The trends of the 21st century are challenging the traditional production process due to the reduction in the life cycle of products and the demand for more complex products in greater quantities. Industry 4.0 (I4.0) was introduced in 2011 and it is recognized as the fourth industrial revolution, with the aim of improving manufacturing processes and increasing the competitiveness of industry. I4.0 uses technological concepts such as Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing to create services, reduce costs and increase productivity. In addition, concepts such as Smart Factories are emerging, which use context awareness to assist people and optimize tasks based on data from the physical and virtual world. This article explores and applies the capabilities of context-aware applications in industry, with a focus on production lines. In specific, this paper proposes a context-aware application based on a microservices approach, intended for integration into a context-aware information system, with specific application in the area of manufacturing. The manuscript presents a detailed architecture for structuring the application, explaining components, functions and contributions. The discussion covers development technologies, integration and communication between the application and other services, as well as experimental findings, which demonstrate the applicability and advantages of the proposed solution.



Uso de assistentes virtuais no apoio à gestão de produção

Rodrigo Cardoso Pereira



Análise e definição de contextos para a gestão energética em edifícios

Vasco Rafael da Costa Ferreira
