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Vladimiro Miranda was born in Porto, Portugal. He graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1977 and received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from FEUP, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal, in 1982. He joined FEUP in 1981 and joined INESC in 1985, a top R&D institute in Portugal where he came to be coordinator of the area of Power Systems during the 90’s.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of INESC TEC, Portugal - an R&D private non-profit organization recognized by the Ministry of Science and with the University of Porto as the main associate - for 18 years until June 2018, and holds presently the following responsibilities:

  • Full Professor (Professor Catedrático) at FEUP, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Director-President of INESC P&D Brasil, an R&D private non-profit organization with headquarters in São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Associate Director at INESC TEC, International Affairs.
  • Member of the Doctoral Council of UTAD (University of Trás os Montes e Alto Douro), Portugal.

He is International Scientific Advisor for:

  • IRESEN, Agency associated to the Ministry of Energy, Morocco
  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
  • Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (Madrid), Spain
  • Instituto de Energía Eléctrica (San Juan), Argentina
  • Laboratory for Biologic and Chemical Defense of the Portuguese Army, Portugal

He was invited as Honorary Professor of the Novi Sad University, Serbia, and was President of INESC Macau, China. In 1996 and 1997 he stayed as Visiting Full Professor in the University of Macau, China. In 2005 he was Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil, and in 2015-2018 he was visiting researcher at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.

Prof. Miranda has been serving in the Administration Board of spin-off companies created within the INESC system. He has also served as research project evaluator for the governmental science organizations of Portugal, Norway, Croatia, South Africa, Chile, Brazil and Argentina. For the Government of this latter country, he acted as external auditor in the process of evaluation of research institutions.

He has supervised, co-supervised or cooperated in the supervision of a large number of PhD and MSc theses e power systems in several countries and universities such as in Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Bosnia, China, Ecuador, Norway or Sweden. 

He has been responsible for many research projects at international level, in the European Union, United States and Brazil, and has authored or co-authored over 200 publications, especially in areas related with Power Systems and the application of Computational Intelligence to Power Systems.

He has been a member (at times the chairman) of the organizing or scientific committees of several important conferences in his areas of expertise such as PMAPS, ISAP, IEEE Power Tech, etc.

Prof. Miranda is an IEEE Fellow.

He is the recipient in 2013 of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Ramakumar Family Renewable Energy Excellence Award.

He is a member of the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program.

Curriculum LATTES:

Scopus Author ID: 35581693000  -  AuthenticusID: R-000-HPD




  • Name

    Vladimiro Miranda
  • Role

  • Since

    01st March 1985


Virtual power plant optimal dispatch considering power-to-hydrogen systems

Rodrigues L.; Soares T.; Rezende I.; Fontoura J.; Miranda V.;

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Power-to-Hydrogen (P2H) clean systems have been increasingly adopted for Virtual Power Plant (VPP) to drive system decarbonization. However, current models for the joint operation of VPP and P2H often disregard the full impact on grid operation or hydrogen supply to multiple consumers. This paper contributes with a VPP operating model considering a full Alternating Current Optimal Power Flow (AC OPF) while integrating different paths for the use of green hydrogen, such as supplying hydrogen to a Combined Heat and Power (CHP), industry and local hydrogen consumers. The proposed framework is tested using a 37-bus distribution grid and the results illustrate the benefits that a P2H plant can bring to the VPP in economic, grid operation and environmental terms. An important conclusion is that depending on the prices of the different hydrogen services, the P2H plant can increase the levels of self-sufficiency and security of supply of the VPP, decrease the operating costs, and integrate more renewables.


Impact of the C-rates and AC-AC RTE on the annual cycles and operation cost of different battery technologies that provide market services

Agamez Arias, P; Miranda, V;

2024 IEEE 22nd Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2024

This paper aims to study battery response under two operation strategies to analyze the annual cycles and operation costs (revenues) via sensitivity analysis. A battery model that considers performance parameters (AC-AC RTE, DOD, and C-rates) for different technologies is approached to identify how these parameters influence battery behavior and revenue. Strategies refer to (A) energy arbitrage, EA, and (B) EA and the provision of tertiary reserve. Simulations conducted for real data from Portuguese electricity and regulation markets showed regardless of the strategy used, the annual cycles and revenue are dominated by the performance parameters, instead of price volatility. In addition, for batteries with higher C-rates, as the AC-AC RTE is reduced up to 80%, the annual cycles and revenues are significantly reduced to 50% and 45% respectively, regarding its ideal model (100% AC-AC RTE). For lower C-rates, the annual cycles and revenues are slightly reduced with AC-AC RTE reductions. Specifically, strategy B revealed that annual cycles and revenue could also be influenced by the capacity requirements and the control area where batteries are providing services. © 2024 IEEE.


A Data-Driven Approach to Estimate the Flexibility Maps in Multiple TSO-DSO Connections

Silva, J; Sumaili, J; Silva, B; Carvalho, L; Retorta, F; Staudt, M; Miranda, V;


This paper presents a methodology to estimate flexibility existing on TSO-DSO borderline, for the cases where multiple TSO-DSO connections exist (meshed grids). To do so, the work conducted exploits previous developments regarding flexibility representation through the adoption of active and reactive power flexibility maps and extends the concept for the cases where multiple TSO-DSO connection exists, using data-driven approach to determine the equivalent impedance between TSO nodes, preserving the anonymity regarding sensitive grid information, such as the topology. This paper also provides numerical validation followed by real-world demonstration of the methodology proposed.


Economic Analysis of a Hydrogen Power Plant in the Portuguese Electricity Market

Rodrigues, LM; Soares, T; Rezende, I; Fontoura, JP; Miranda, V;


Hydrogen is regarded as a flexible energy carrier with multiple applications across several sectors. For instance, it can be used in industrial processes, transports, heating, and electrical power generation. Green hydrogen, produced from renewable sources, can have a crucial role in the pathway towards global decarbonization. However, the success of green hydrogen production ultimately depends on its economic sustainability. In this context, this work evaluates the economic performance of a hydrogen power plant participating in the electricity market and supplying multiple hydrogen consumers. The analysis includes technical and economical details of the main components of the hydrogen power plant. Its operation is simulated using six different scenarios, which admit the production of either grey or green hydrogen. The scenarios used for the analysis include data from the Iberian electricity market for the Portuguese hub. An important conclusion is that the combination of multiple services in a hydrogen power plant has a positive effect on its economic performance. However, as of today, consumers who would wish to acquire green hydrogen would have to be willing to pay higher prices to compensate for the shorter periods of operation of hydrogen power plants and for their intrinsic losses. Nonetheless, an increase in green hydrogen demand based on a greater environmental awareness can lead to the need to not only build more of these facilities, but also to integrate more services into them. This could promote the investment in hydrogen-related technologies and result in changes in capital and operating costs of key components of these plants, which are necessary to bring down production costs.


Evaluation of different bidding strategies for a battery energy storage system performing energy arbitrage - a neural network approach

Santos, P; Rezende, I; Soares, T; Miranda, V;


The rising potential for battery energy storage systems (BESS) to generate revenue in a market environment is addressed in this work, where a tool based on neural network predictions is proposed. The tool's main objective is predicting, based on historical data, the most lucrative out of three established bidding approaches for the participation of a BESS in the day-ahead energy market and thus aid the strategic bidding process of the BESS operator. Each of these bidding strategies reflects BESS's operator approach concerning bidding frequency and the tolerated risk of loss of profit from having its bids rejected, leading to the development of a conservative (strategy A), an aggressive (strategy B), and a moderate strategy (strategy C). A case study was then used to test the tool for a full year allowing to ascertain the assertiveness of this tool in predicting the best strategy, which for this case was above 88%.



State Estimation for Evolving Power Systems Paradigms

Gil da Silva Sampaio



Adaptive Protection for Advanced Distribution Networks Considering Limited Observability

Everton Leandro Alves



application of a novel autoencoder based method to raw measurements in electric power systems

Marco Aurélio Moreira Saran



A Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis of a Hydrogen Power Plant in a a Market Environment

Luís Manuel Dias Rodrigues



Impacts of energy sector - Decarbonization on electrical power systems

Bruna Daniela Costa Tavares
