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Inteligência Artificial para Reduzir a Carga Cognitiva dos Operadores Humanos – Gestão de Alarmes em Subestações AT/MT

This project aims to address the following challenges in the operation of distribution grids: 1) Reduce the cognitive load (i.e., high number of alarms) of human operators in the operation of an HV/MV substation in the distribution network. 2) Include and automate historical and online information collected by SCADA in the decision-making process. 3) Develop artificial intelligence (AI) philosophies to interact with the human operator, facilitating the adoption of technology by the operator/end user. 4) Enhance human operators' decisions in the face of a high volume of information and alarms.



  • Acronym

  • Start

    01st November 2019
  • Global Budget

    0,00 €