Nunes, S; Ribeiro, C; David, G;
NIST Special Publication
This paper presents the participation of FEUP, from University of Porto, in the TREC 2008 Blog Track. FEUP participated in two tasks, the baseline adhoc retrieval task and the blog finding distillation task. Our approach was focused on the use of the temporal information available in the TREC Blog06 collection. For the baseline adhoc retrieval task a simple temporal sort was evaluated. In the blog finding distillation task we tested three alternative scoring functions based on temporal evidence. All features were combined with a BM25 baseline run using a standard rank aggregation approach. We observed small, but statistically significant, improvements in several evaluation measures when temporal information is used.
Nunes, S; Ribeiro, C; David, G;
NIST Special Publication
This paper describes the participation of FEUP, from the University of Porto, in the TREC 2009 Blog Track. FEUP participated in the faceted blog distillation task with work focused on the use of temporal features available in the new TREC Blogs08 collection. The approach presented in this paper uses the temporal information available in most individual posts to amplify (or reduce) each post's score. Blog scores, and subsequent ranks, are obtained by combining individual posts' scores. While preparing the runs, no endeavors were made to identify a priori any temporal differences between the three distinct facets.
Carvalho, A; Ribeiro, C; Sousa, AA;
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems
The importance of the spatial component of data items has been long recognized and gave rise to a successful line of research and development in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In many application domains it is also essential to deal with the evolution of data along time and to integrate spatial, temporal and other aspects of the information domain in an expressive and operationally effective manner. Until recently, temporal solutions provided by spatial database systems were semi-temporal approaches lacking full temporal support. As a consequence, most spatial database systems manage snapshots of the present state of facts without fully exploiting historical temporal aspects. This paper provides preliminary results on a spatiotemporal database implementation. The proposed system builds on existing database technologies, TimeDB and Oracle Spatial, for temporal and spatial support, respectively. The justification for the choice of these technologies is given, based on the state of the art in spatial and temporal database research. The integration of the spatial and temporal components is achieved with the extension of the TimeDB implementation layer. A set of goals has been established in order to cover both the integration of the spatial support and the enforcement of the temporal requirements in the extended system. Issues and solutions are presented and illustrative examples show the use of the implemented functionalities.
Carvalho, A; de Sousa, AA; Ribeiro, C; Costa, E;
Spatiotemporal databases provide effective means to represent, manage and query information evolving over time. However, the visualization of record sets that result from spatiotemporal queries through traditional visualization techniques can be of difficult interpretation or may lack the ability to meaningfully display several instants at the same time. We propose a Temporal Focus + Context visualization model to overcome issues from such techniques resorting to concepts from Information Visualization. In this model, Focus + Context is applied to time rather than, as more typically, to attributes or space, and allows large amounts of data from distinct periods of time and from several record sets to be compressed onto one. Underlying the proposed visualization technique is the calculation of a temporal degree of interest (TDOI) for each record driven by specific analysis, exploration or presentation goals and based on the record valid time attribute, as well as on user-defined temporal visualization requirements. In the mapping stage of the visualization pipeline, the TDOI for a record is used to control graphical properties, such as transparency and color. More complex rendering properties, such as sketch drawing edges or other non-photorealistic enhancement techniques, can also be used to convey the temporal aspects of data, replacing the original graphical features of the record data. By enhancing or dimming the representation of a data item, according to the corresponding degree of interest, it is possible to meaningfully compress information about distinct temporal states of data onto the same visualization display. The model has been applied to several test scenarios and proved appropriate and useful for a wide range of domains that require the display, exploration and analysis of spatial information discretely evolving over time. Information Visualization (2008) 7, 265-274. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.ivs.9500188
Oroszlányová, M; Lopes, CT; Nunes, S; Ribeiro, C;
International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems/International Conference on Project MANagement/International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2016, Porto, Portugal, October 5-7, 2016.
Koch, I; Pires, C; Lopes, CT; Ribeiro, C; Nunes, S;
Archives preserve materials that allow us to understand and interpret the past and think about the future. With the evolution of the information society, archives must take advantage of technological innovations and adapt to changes in the kind and volume of the information created. Semantic Web representations are appropriate for structuring archival data and linking them to external sources, allowing versatile access by multiple applications. ArchOnto is a new Linked Data Model based on CIDOC CRM to describe archival objects. ArchOnto combines specific aspects of archiving with the CIDOC CRM standard. In this work, we analyze the ArchOnto representation of a set of archival records from the Portuguese National Archives and compare it to their CIDOC CRM representation. As a result of ArchOnto's representation, we observe an increase in the number of classes used, from 20 in CIDOC CRM to 28 in ArchOnto, and in the number of properties, from 25 in CIDOC CRM to 28 in ArchOnto. This growth stems from the refinement of object types and their relationships, favouring the use of controlled vocabularies. ArchOnto provides higher readability for the information in archival records, keeping it in line with current standards.
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