Castelhano, Maria; Araújo, Tânia; Pedrosa, Daniela; Morgado, Leonel; Cravino, José;
XII Conferência Internacional de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação Challenges 2021: Desafios do Digital
Este estudo desenvolveu-se numa Unidade Curricular da Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática, no
contexto de ensino superior português a distância, com alunos maiores de 23 anos, na qual se adotou a
abordagem pedagógica e-SimProgramming. Esta abordagem situada em ambiente empresarial simulado
recorre a narrativas imersivas desenvolvidas através da técnica OC2-RD2, contemplando o argumento, as
personagens e os espaços. Os nomes das personagens têm significados que remetem para arquétipos. Para
operacionalizar esta técnica adaptaram-se os nomes dados às personagens ao contexto cultural de
Portugal, origem da maioria dos alunos, já que os originais tinham sido concebidos para o contexto cultural
do Brasil. Adotou-se uma metodologia de investigação quantitativa e qualitativa, numa perspetiva de
estudo de tendência, baseada na análise de respostas a um questionário online. O objetivo visa
compreender as perceções dos estudantes sobre os nomes das personagens, em relação à sua
adequabilidade na abordagem aos arquétipos da técnica OC2-RD2 no ambiente de simulação. O
questionário é composto por questões relativas à perceção dos estudantes quanto ao nome de cada
personagem, e caso considerassem o nome desadequado poderiam sugerir alternativas. Realizou-se a
análise de dados quantitativa e qualitativa, sendo que em 99 alunos inscritos, 40 responderam ao
questionário (40%). Os resultados demonstram que os nomes selecionados para as personagens foram
aceites pela maioria dos estudantes (valores iguais ou superiores a 70%). Quanto às sugestões de nomes
alternativos, surgiram três grupos distintos: 1- personalidades da área do desenvolvimento de software
(e.g. Lovelace, remetendo para Ada Lovelace) e referências técnicas (e.g. Python, uma linguagem de
programação); 2- nomes próprios portugueses (e.g. Manuel, Íris); 3- expressões figurativas (e.g.
Quasenada, MaisouMenos). Conclui-se que a adaptação dos nomes originais das personagens para o
contexto cultural de Portugal foi considerada adequada pelos estudantes, podendo contribuir para a
aprendizagem situada com imersão em simulação de ambiente empresarial. Em trabalhos futuros
recomenda-se a análise da interpretação dos nomes sugeridos pelos alunos às personagens, para aferir se
correspondem aos arquétipos originais ou se induziram alguma alteração, para melhor compreensão da
perceção das narrativas face ao contexto cultural e às várias áreas de conhecimentos.;This study was developed in a course of the undergraduate program in Informatics Engineering, in the
context of online higher education in Portugal, with students over 23 years of age, in which the eSimProgramming pedagogical approach was adopted.
This approach employs situated learning with immersive narratives to simulate a business environment.
The narratives were developed through the OC2-RD2 technique, contemplating the script, the characters,
and the spaces.
The names of the characters have meanings that refer to archetypes. To deploy this technique, the names
given to the characters were adapted to the cultural context of Portugal, the origin of most students, since
the original names had been designed for the cultural context of Brazil.
A quantitative and qualitative research methodology was adopted, in a trend study perspective, based on
the analysis of answers from an online questionnaire. The objective is to understand perceptions
of character names in relation to their suitability in addressing the archetypes of the OC2-RD2 technique in
the simulation environment.
The questionnaire is composed of questions regarding the perception of the name of each
character, and if they considered the name inappropriate, they could suggest alternatives. Quantitative
and qualitative data analysis was performed, and out of 99 students enrolled, 40 answered the
questionnaire (40%). The results show that the names selected for the characters were accepted by most
students (values equal to or greater than 70%).
As for suggestions for alternative names, three distinct groups emerged: 1- personalities from the area of
software development (e.g. Lovelace, referring to Ada Lovelace) and technical references (e.g. Python, a
programming language); 2- Portuguese given names (e.g. Manuel, Íris); 3- figurative expressions (e.g.
Quasenada, MaisouMenos meaning , We conclude that the adaptation of the original names of the characters to the Portuguese cultural context
was considered adequate by the students, potentially contributing to the immersion in the simulation of
the business environment. In future work we recommend the analysis of the interpretation of the names
suggested by the students to the characters, to check if they match the original archetypes or if they
induced some change, for a better understanding of the perception of the narratives vis-à-vis the cultural
context and the various areas of knowledge.
Carvalho, Fausto de; Morgado, Leonel;
In view of the strong market presence and leverage of major corporations involved in this topic, the most straightforward answer to the questions above is “No”. Nevertheless, multiple perspectives should be considered. Thus, along this article we reflect about the concept of “metaverse”, what parts of it exist today, and what is foreseen that makes this concept a much discussed game changer.
Castelhano, Maria; Morgado, Leonel; Pedrosa, Daniela;
SIIE23. XXV Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa
The emergence of accessible virtual reality
headsets in the past decade multiplied educational uses of
immersive virtual reality. Higher education, in particular, has
seen many such reports emerge. However, there are scarce
frameworks for higher education professionals to plan and
deploy immersive virtual reality within their pedagogical
practice. To attain a perspective on this field, we conducted a
systematic literature review using SCOPUS search, focusing on
Instructional Design Models for Immersive Virtual Reality in
online Higher Education. This review aimed to provide a
comprehensive overview of these models, their respective
phases, and distinctive characteristics. The review identified two
categories of Instructional Design Models for Immersive Virtual
Reality in Higher Education: 1) Models specific to such contexts,
with aspects such as managing immersion time or providing
prior contact with the immersive environment; 2) Models
developed for other contexts and adapted to immersive virtual
reality, addressing aspects such as the importance of creating
objectives, assessment elements, or defining resource purpose.
We conclude that current instructional models used for
immersive virtual reality in higher education lack the
combination of the overall pedagogical concerns with the
specific ones for immersive virtual reality. Thus, we recommend
further research to develop instruction models that combine
both aspects of learning design concerns.
Leal, Maria da Conceição Dias; Morgado, Leonel; Oliveira, Teresa;
International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering - ICMA2SC’24
There is evidence that some outdoor events may have contributed to the spread of COVID-19. We updated an empirical methodology based on regression modeling and hypothesis testing to analyze the potential impact of a demonstration that took place in Lisbon, within the scope of the ’Black Lives Matter’ context, on the contagion pattern in the region where this event occurred. We find that in the post-impact period there was no acceleration in the number of cases in the region, unlike in a prior event in the region. The proportion of counties where there was a potential impact of the event is not statistically significant. This result demonstrates that not all outdoor events contributed to the spread of COVID-19 and exemplifies how to apply the selected empirical methodology.
Makrides, Gregory; Aufenanger, Stefan; Bastian, Jasmin; Damianos, Gavalas; Vlasis, Kasapakis; Apostolos, Kostas; Solarz, Pawel; Szemberg, Tomasz; Szpond, Justyna; Bastos, Glória; Castelhano, Maria; Ferreira, Célia; Morgado, Leonel; Pedrosa, Daniela;
Almeida, Diana; Castelhano, Maria; Pedrosa, Daniela; Morgado, Leonel;
EJML - Relatos de Experiências. 6.º Encontro Internacional sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning
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